

[2025] [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [2001] [2000] [1999] [1998] [1997]


  1. Armor of God2025-01-26
  2. James 4:1-3: Wars and Fightings2025-01-25
  3. Seedtime and Harvest, Cold and Heat, Summer and Winter (Genesis 8:21-22)2025-01-25
  4. Cain, the Fugitive and Vagabond2025-01-24
  5. Satan as the Accuser2025-01-23
  6. I will come on thee as a thief (Revelation 3:3)2025-01-22
  7. They willingly are ignorant (2 Peter 3:5)2025-01-21
  8. Uncertainty2025-01-20
  9. He had by himself purged our sins (Hebrews 1:3)2025-01-19
  10. James 3:13-18: The Wisdom From Above2025-01-18
  11. In the Latter Times, Part II2025-01-18
  12. In the Latter Times (1 Timothy 4:1)2025-01-17
  13. Let no man deceive you (2 Thessalonians 2:3)2025-01-16
  14. Who also will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24)2025-01-15
  15. Take heed to the ministry (Colossians 4:17)2025-01-14
  16. But made himself of no reputation (Philippians 2:6-8)2025-01-13
  17. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4-5)2025-01-12


  1. My God and Your God (John 20:17)2024-12-12
  2. Every commandment2024-12-11
  3. The Pervasiveness of Sin2024-12-10
  4. Ye Became the Servants of Righteousness2024-12-09
  5. Envying, and Strife, and Divisions2024-12-08
  6. I Beheld the Earth, and, Lo, It Was Without Form, and Void2024-12-07
  7. Flesh or Spirit2024-12-06
  8. The LORD’S Hand Is Not Shortened2024-12-05
  9. Wisdom2024-11-30
  10. Last • 2024-11-19
  11. With Great Pomp (Acts 25:23)2024-11-18
  12. Be not wise in thine own eyes (Proverbs 3:7)2024-11-17
  13. Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people (Acts 23:5)2024-11-16
  14. Roman Citizenship in the Bible2024-11-15
  15. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes (Psalm 118:9)2024-11-14
  16. All the Counsel of God2024-11-13
  17. The Sons of Sceva2024-11-12
  18. Shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ2024-11-11
  19. That Man Whom He Hath Ordained2024-11-10
  20. The Circumcision of Timothy2024-11-09
  21. Confirming the Souls2024-11-08
  22. As the hart panteth after the water brooks (Psalm 42:1-2)2024-11-07
  23. The LORD sitteth upon the flood (Psalm 29:10)2024-11-06
  24. The Lord Smote Him (Acts 12:23)2024-11-05
  25. They of the circumcision which believed were astonished (Acts 10:45)2024-11-04
  26. Why the Spirit was Delayed to the Samaritans2024-11-03
  27. The Audacity of Job’s Opponents2024-11-02
  28. The Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip (Acts 8:39)2024-11-01
  29. Serving the King2024-10-31
  30. Avoiding Entanglements2024-10-30
  31. Baptism and the Lord's Supper2024-10-29
  32. In the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers2024-10-28
  33. Sent him to bless you2024-10-27
  34. James 3:7-12: The Tongue Can No Man Tame2024-10-26
  35. Thoughts on the Age of Artificial Intelligence2024-10-26
  36. Found Grace2024-10-25
  37. The world itself could not contain the books (John 21:25)2024-10-24
  38. But these are written2024-10-23
  39. The words of Necho from the mouth of God (2 Chronicles 35:22)2024-10-22
  40. That they might eat the Passover2024-10-21
  41. The LORD is able to give thee much more than this (2 Chronicles 25:9)2024-10-20
  42. Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe? (John 16:31)2024-10-19
  43. He walked in the first ways2024-10-18
  44. The truth offends, but we don’t have to2024-10-17
  45. On the good ground (Luke 8:15)2024-10-16
  46. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Ecclesiastes2024-10-15
  47. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Proverbs2024-10-14
  48. Believe the works2024-10-13
  49. Stop Dreaming, Start Doing2024-10-12
  50. Go, and sin no more (John 8:11)2024-10-11
  51. Never man spake like this man (John 7:46)2024-10-10
  52. And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man (Matthew 26:72)2024-10-09
  53. Seven Deadly Sins2024-10-08
  54. Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe2024-10-07
  55. The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand (John 3:35)2024-10-06
  56. Is it a time2024-10-05
  57. We have His death and His life2024-10-04
  58. But I hate him2024-10-03
  59. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Psalms2024-10-02
  60. Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?2024-10-01
  61. There shall not be left one stone upon another (Luke 21:6)2024-09-30
  62. Neither can they die any more2024-09-29
  63. Thou knewest not the time of thy visitation (Luke 19:44)2024-09-28
  64. So then death worketh in us, but life in you (2 Corinthians 4:12)2024-09-27
  65. Thither will the eagles be gathered together (Luke 17:37)2024-09-26
  66. Whosoever Putteth Away His Wife (Luke 16:18)2024-09-25
  67. Moreover I Will Appoint a Place (2 Samuel 7:10)2024-09-24
  68. The Word of God Is True Regardless of What Others Say2024-09-23
  69. We wrestle not against flesh and blood2024-09-22
  70. Gateway to Freedom2024-09-21
  71. What makes us think we are on the Lord’s side?2024-09-21
  72. Christ After the Flesh2024-09-20
  73. If One Died for All, Then Were All Dead2024-09-19
  74. The Love of God Is Shed Abroad2024-09-18
  75. But Unto Him2024-09-17
  76. Death to Every Ambition2024-09-16
  77. The Words of the LORD Are Pure Words (Psalm 12:6)2024-09-15
  78. Christ Is Dead in Vain (Galatians 2:21)2024-09-13
  79. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 12: Epilogue2024-09-12
  80. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 11 Kingdom, Power, Glory2024-09-11
  81. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 10: Temptation2024-09-10
  82. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 9: Forgive2024-09-09
  83. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 8: Our Daily Bread2024-09-08
  84. James 3:1-6: The Tongue Is a Little Member2024-09-07
  85. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 7: Thy Will Be Done2024-09-07
  86. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 6: Thy Kingdom Come2024-09-06
  87. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 5: Hallowed Be Thy Name2024-09-05
  88. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 4: In Heaven2024-09-04
  89. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 3: Our Father2024-09-03
  90. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 2: Vain Repetitions2024-09-02
  91. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 1: In Secret2024-09-01
  92. The LORD’s Prayer2024-08-31
  93. A Prophet Is Not Without Honour (Mark 6:4)2024-08-30
  94. And They Shall Be All Taught of God (John 6:45)2024-08-29
  95. They Would Crucify Him Again2024-08-28
  96. Calleth Unto Him Whom He Would (Mark 3:13)2024-08-27
  97. Gospel Minute 11: Epilogue2024-08-26
  98. Gospel Minute 10: Right with Him2024-08-25
  99. Gospel Minute 9: Translated2024-08-24
  100. Gospel Minute 8: Wages or Gift2024-08-23
  101. Gospel Minute 7: Everlasting Life2024-08-22
  102. Gospel Minute 6: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ2024-08-21
  103. Gospel Minute 5: Jesus2024-08-20
  104. Gospel Minute 4: Death2024-08-19
  105. Gospel Minute 3: None Righteous2024-08-18
  106. Gospel Minute 2: All Have Sinned2024-08-17
  107. Gospel Minute 1: God the Creator2024-08-16
  108. Gospel Minutes2024-08-15
  109. It Is a Blessing to Be Called the Children of God2024-08-14
  110. Be Ye Therefore Perfect (Matthew 5:48)2024-08-13
  111. I Went into Arabia2024-08-12
  112. Brokenness Precedes Victory2024-08-11
  113. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Job2024-08-10
  114. Being a Friend to the Unfriendly2024-08-10
  115. The Passover Lamb’s Deliverance2024-08-09
  116. We Must Consent to Die2024-08-08
  117. Partakers2024-08-07
  118. Ye Thought Evil Against Me; But God Meant It unto Good (Genesis 50:20)2024-08-06
  119. To Wait for His Son from Heaven (1 Thessalonians 1:10)2024-08-05
  120. No Man Can Say That Jesus is the Lord, But by the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 12:3)2024-08-04
  121. The Spirit of Christ Which Was in Them2024-08-03
  122. Hiding Religiosity2024-08-02
  123. If the Salt Have Lost His Savour (Matthew 5:13)2024-08-01
  124. Healing All Manner of Sickness (Matthew 4:23)2024-07-31
  125. He Shall Glorify Me (John 16:14)2024-07-30
  126. This Is Now Bone of My Bones, and Flesh of My Flesh (Genesis 2:23)2024-07-29
  127. New Testament Outline2024-07-29
  128. Old Testament Outline2024-07-29
  129. The Holy Spirit as the Expounder of Scriptures2024-07-28
  130. The Holy Spirit and Scripture’s Human Authors2024-07-27
  131. To Fulfil the Word of God (Colossians 1:25)2024-07-26
  132. The Nicolaitans2024-07-25
  133. He Might Gather Together in One All Things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10)2024-07-24
  134. But For Us Also (Romans 4:23)2024-07-23
  135. James 2:24-26: As the Body Without the Spirit2024-07-22
  136. Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly (1 Timothy 4:1)2024-07-22
  137. Perfect and Purposeful2024-07-21
  138. Broken Pitchers2024-07-20
  139. In Works They Deny Him (Titus 1:16)2024-07-19
  140. To Reading, to Exhortation, to Doctrine (1 Timothy 4:13)2024-07-18
  141. Five Subjects of Christian Victory2024-07-17
  142. Also in Power, and in the Holy Ghost (1 Thessalonians 1:5)2024-07-17
  143. And Be Found in Him (Philippians 3:9)2024-07-16
  144. The Works of the Flesh Are Manifest (Galatians 5:19)2024-07-15
  145. Exceeding Greatness of His Power to Us-ward (Ephesians 1:19-23)2024-07-14
  146. James 2:18-23: I Will Shew Thee My Faith2024-07-13
  147. Water and the Spirit2024-07-13
  148. Notes from Samuel Ridout’s The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: Seven Lectures2024-07-12
  149. Filled with the Spirit: Testimony2024-07-12
  150. Filled with the Spirit: Joy2024-07-11
  151. Filled with the Spirit: Service2024-07-10
  152. The Holy Spirit and Power2024-07-09
  153. Worship and the Holy Spirit2024-07-08
  154. Good Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God (1 Peter 4:10:11)2024-07-07
  155. Unity of the Spirit2024-07-06
  156. Baptized into One Body (1 Corinthians 12:13)2024-07-05
  157. So Also Is Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12)2024-07-04
  158. James 2:14-17: What Doth It Profit?2024-07-03
  159. Led of the Spirit (Galatians 5:17-18)2024-07-03
  160. Praying in the Holy Spirit2024-07-02
  161. Anointing of the Holy Spirit2024-07-01
  162. Communion of the Holy Spirit2024-06-30
  163. Pride Month2024-06-30
  164. James 2:12-13: Mercy Rejoiceth Against Judgment2024-06-29
  165. Speak Ye unto the Rock before Their Eyes (Numbers 20:8)2024-06-29
  166. Thoughts on Sealing and Earnest of the Spirit2024-06-28
  167. Thoughts on Regeneration and Rebirth2024-06-27
  168. Of Judgment, Because the Prince of This World Is Judged (John 16:11)2024-06-26
  169. Ye Do Always Resist the Holy Ghost (Acts 7:51)2024-06-25
  170. An Habitation of God2024-06-24
  171. James 2:8-11: The Royal Law According to the Scripture2024-06-23
  172. The Office of the Prophet2024-06-23
  173. Thoughts on the Holy Spirit †2024-06-22
  174. A Faithful Man Who Can Find? (Proverbs 20:6)2024-06-21
  175. Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2)2024-06-20
  176. Lord’s Freeman, Christ’s Servant (1 Corinthians 7:22)2024-06-19
  177. Come Short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23)2024-06-18
  178. Eye Hath Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard (Isaiah 64:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9)2024-06-17
  179. A Spectacle unto the World (1 Corinthians 4:9)2024-06-16
  180. James 2:1-7: Respect of Persons2024-06-15
  181. The Thoughts of the Wise (Psalm 94:11; 1 Corinthians 3:20)2024-06-15
  182. So He Made It Again Another Vessel (Jeremiah 18:4)2024-06-14
  183. Who Shall Also Confirm You unto the End (1 Corinthians 1:7-8)2024-06-13
  184. The Obedience of Faith2024-06-12
  185. I Have Put My Words in Thy Mouth (Jeremiah 1:9)2024-06-11
  186. All Flesh Come to Worship Before Me (Isaiah 66:22-23)2024-06-10
  187. Nevertheless Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done (Luke 22:42)2024-06-09
  188. James 1:26-27: Pure Religion and Undefiled2024-06-08
  189. James 1:21-25: Whoso Looketh into the Perfect Law of Liberty2024-06-08
  190. James 1:19-20: Slow to Wrath2024-06-08
  191. The Lord GOD Hath Given Me the Tongue of the Learned (Isaiah 50:4)2024-06-08
  192. The Fury of His Anger (Isaiah 42:25)2024-06-07
  193. None Other Name2024-06-06
  194. But They Rebelled, and Vexed His Holy Spirit (Isaiah 63:10)2024-06-05
  195. For He Saith, The Old Is Better (Luke 5:39)2024-06-04
  196. Go Not After Them, Nor Follow Them (Luke 17:23)2024-06-03
  197. He That Is Hanged Is Accursed of God (Deuteronomy 21:23)2024-06-02
  198. The Onus Is on the Believer2024-06-01
  199. The Voice of My Beloved! (Song of Solomon 2:8)2024-05-31
  200. Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Psalm 23:4)2024-05-30
  201. My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord2024-05-29
  202. James 1:17-18: From Above2024-05-28
  203. Begotten Us Again (1 Peter 1:3)2024-05-28
  204. Commit Thy Works unto the LORD, and Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established (Proverbs 16:3)2024-05-27
  205. A True Witness Delivereth Souls (Proverbs 14:25)2024-05-26
  206. If Any Man Serve Me, Let Him Follow Me (John 12:26)2024-05-25
  207. Jesus, Which Was Dead, Whom Paul Affirmed to Be Alive (Acts 25:19)2024-05-24
  208. The Way Everlasting (Psalm 139:24)2024-05-23
  209. No Man That Warreth Entangleth Himself (2 Timothy 2:4)2024-05-22
  210. And People Are Fundamentally... Evil2024-05-21
  211. The Will of God2024-05-20
  212. Simon, a Cyrenian2024-05-20
  213. James 1:12-16: The Man That Endureth Temptation2024-05-19
  214. I Set My Face Like a Flint (Isaiah 50:7)2024-05-19
  215. Peniel (Genesis 32:22-32)2024-05-18
  216. Truth2024-05-17
  217. Lie Not One to Another (Colossians 3:9-10)2024-05-16
  218. I Delight to Do Thy Will, O My God (Psalm 40:8)2024-05-15
  219. O Lord My Salvation (Psalm 38:22)2024-05-14
  220. The Sure Mercies of David (Isaiah 55:3; Acts 13:34)2024-05-13
  221. James 1:9-11: The Brother of Low Degree2024-05-12
  222. Find, Save, Love Your Life2024-05-12
  223. With Purpose of Heart (Acts 11:23)2024-05-11
  224. That Which Is Born of the Flesh is Flesh (John 3:6)2024-05-10
  225. Nevertheless I Live; Yet Not I, But Christ Liveth in Me (Galatians 2:20)2024-05-09
  226. They Went Down Both Into the Water (Acts 8:38)2024-05-08
  227. Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him (Job 13:15)2024-05-07
  228. He Taketh the Wise in Their Own Craftiness (Job 5:13; 1 Corinthians 3:19)2024-05-06
  229. Of the Rest Durst No Man Join Himself to Them (Acts 5:13)2024-05-05
  230. James 1:5-8: A Double Minded Man Is Unstable2024-05-04
  231. Against Thy Holy Child Jesus (Acts 4:27)2024-05-04
  232. Who His Own Self Bare Our Sins in His Own Body on the Tree (1 Peter 2:24)2024-05-03
  233. Death Is the Way Out2024-05-02
  234. Failure to Teach2024-05-01
  235. James 1:2-4: Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work2024-05-01
  236. Crucified2024-05-01
  237. This Life Is in His Son (1 John 5:11)2024-04-30
  238. All My Springs Are in Thee (Psalm 87:7)2024-04-29
  239. The Waters Which Were Above the Firmament2024-04-28
  240. The Ground of Christ2024-04-28
  241. James 1:1: James, A Servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ2024-04-27
  242. Thy Words Were Found, and I Did Eat Them (Jeremiah 15:16)2024-04-27
  243. Holy Father (John 17:11)2024-04-26
  244. Delivered, Deliver, Yet Deliver2024-04-25
  245. My Words Abide in You (John 15:7)2024-04-24
  246. Abide in Me, and I in You (John 15:4)2024-04-23
  247. Should Not Abide in Darkness (John 12:46)2024-04-22
  248. If Ye Continue in My Word (John 8:31)2024-04-21
  249. If We Say That We Have No Sin (1 John 1:8)2024-04-20
  250. Understanding of the Times (1 Chronicles 12:32)2024-04-19
  251. Kept by the Power of God (1 Peter 1:5)2024-04-18
  252. The Promise of the Holy Ghost2024-04-17
  253. Rivers of Living Water (John 7:37-38)2024-04-16
  254. Know, Reckon, Yield2024-04-15
  255. They Are Spirit, and They Are Life (John 6:63)2024-04-15
  256. All Men Should Honour the Son (John 5:22-23)2024-04-14
  257. He Revived, and Stood Up on His Feet (2 Kings 13:21)2024-04-13
  258. When Ye Pray, Believe That Ye Receive Them (Mark 11:24)2024-04-12
  259. The Iron Did Swim (2 Kings 6:6)2024-04-11
  260. For With Thee Is the Fountain of Life: In Thy Light Shall We See Light (Psalm 36:9)2024-04-10
  261. Every Plant, Which My Heavenly Father Hath Not Planted, Shall Be Rooted Up (Matthew 15:13)2024-04-09
  262. The LORD Is My Strength and Song2024-04-08
  263. Lord, I Am Ready to Go with Thee (Luke 22:33)2024-04-07
  264. Christ, Who Is Our Life (Colossians 3:4)2024-04-06
  265. He Sent His Word, and Healed Them (Psalm 107:20)2024-04-05
  266. Walk in the Spirit, and Ye Shall Not Fulfil the Lust of the Flesh (Galatians 5:16)2024-04-04
  267. He Died unto Sin Once (Romans 6:10-11)2024-04-03
  268. Dead Indeed unto Sin (Romans 6:10-11)2024-04-02
  269. The Promise of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:33)2024-04-01
  270. He Is Not Here: For He Is Risen (Matthew 28:6)2024-03-31
  271. Compromising God’s Creation Account2024-03-30
  272. In the Garden a New Sepulchre (John 19:41)2024-03-30
  273. The Soldiers with a Spear Pierced His Side (John 19:33)2024-03-29
  274. Wickedness Proceedeth from the Wicked (1 Samuel 24:13)2024-03-28
  275. When Thine Eye Is Single (Luke 11:34)2024-03-27
  276. Bought with a Price (1 Corinthians 6:20)2024-03-26
  278. He Went Throughout Every City and Village2024-03-24
  279. The Fall2024-03-23
  280. Belial2024-03-23
  281. Ho, Every One That Thirsteth2024-03-22
  282. Hebrews 13:22-25: Brethren, Suffer the Word of Exhortation2024-03-21
  283. Depart from Me; for I Am a Sinful Man, O Lord (Luke 5:8)2024-03-21
  284. Deliver Us Only, We Pray Thee (Judges 10:15)2024-03-20
  285. And All Flesh Shall See the Salvation of God (Luke 3:6)2024-03-19
  286. Bethlehem, the City of David2024-03-18
  287. Hebrews 13:20-21: To Whom Be Glory For Ever and Ever2024-03-17
  288. Amen2024-03-17
  289. Our Lord Jesus, That Great Shepherd of the Sheep2024-03-17
  290. And Be Found in Him (Philippians 3:9)2024-03-17
  291. Hebrews 13:17-19: Pray for Us2024-03-16
  292. The Righteousness of God Revealed (Romans 1:17)2024-03-16
  293. Asked Not Counsel (Joshua 9:14)2024-03-15
  294. π: A Line of Thirty Cubits Did Compass It Round About (1 Kings 7:23)2024-03-14
  295. Revelation from the Father2024-03-13
  296. Jeshurun2024-03-12
  297. And Ye Are Christ’s; and Christ Is God’s (1 Corinthians 3:23)2024-03-11
  298. Blot Out the Remembrance of Amalek (Deuteronomy 25:19)2024-03-10
  299. Hebrews 13:15-16: Such Sacrifices2024-03-09
  300. Hebrews 13:9-14: Unto Him Without the Camp2024-03-09
  301. Our Old Man Is Crucified with Him (Romans 6:6)2024-03-09
  302. The Sacrifice of Praise (Hebrews 13:15)2024-03-08
  303. The Faithful God (Deuteronomy 7:9)2024-03-07
  304. Baptized into Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3)2024-03-06
  305. The Obedience of One (Romans 5:19)2024-03-05
  306. One Man’s Disobedience (Romans 5:19)2024-03-04
  307. Death Passed Upon All Men (Romans 5:12)2024-03-03
  308. Hebrews 13:7-8: Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, and To Day, and For Ever2024-03-02
  309. Digging on the Roof (Mark 2:4-5)2024-03-02
  310. Korah’s Rebellion2024-03-01
  311. Walking, and Leaping, and Praising God (Acts 3:6-8)2024-02-29
  312. Aceldama, the Field of Blood (Acts 1:19)2024-02-28
  313. Gnashing of Teeth2024-02-27
  314. Them Which Have the Rule Over You (Hebrews 13:7, 17, 24)2024-02-26
  315. My Lord Delayeth His Coming (Matthew 24:48)2024-02-25
  316. Hebrews 13:4-6: Be Content with Such Things As Ye Have2024-02-24
  317. Immaculate Conception2024-02-24
  318. The Son of David2024-02-23
  319. We Are Not the Main Characters in God’s Story2024-02-22
  320. To Reveal His Son in Me (Galatians 1:16)2024-02-21
  321. The Firmament2024-02-20
  322. Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s Sake (Matthew 19:10-12)2024-02-20
  323. Being Content2024-02-19
  324. Urim and Thummim2024-02-18
  325. Marriage2024-02-17
  326. Hebrews 13:1-3: Let Brotherly Love Continue2024-02-17
  327. The LORD Is On My Side (Psalm 118:6)2024-02-17
  328. All That the LORD Hath Spoken We Will Do (Exodus 19:8)2024-02-16
  329. Because of Their Unbelief (Matthew 13:58)2024-02-15
  330. I Will See Thy Face Again No More (Exodus 10:29)2024-02-14
  331. The Pillars of the Earth2024-02-13
  332. As Being Yourselves Also in the Body (Hebrews 13:3)2024-02-12
  333. Visiting the Prisoners of the Lord2024-02-11
  334. One That Was Born Blind (John 9:32)2024-02-10
  335. I Shall Be Destroyed, I and My House (Genesis 34:30)2024-02-09
  336. The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)2024-02-08
  337. The Gate of Heaven (Genesis 28:17)2024-02-07
  338. He Giveth Power to the Faint (Isaiah 40:29)2024-02-06
  339. Beliefs About the End Times2024-02-05
  340. More Than Appearance2024-02-05
  341. The Prize2024-02-05
  342. Hagar2024-02-04
  343. Hebrews 12:25-29: Consuming Fire2024-02-03
  344. As Becometh Saints2024-02-03
  345. His Days Shall Be an Hundred and Twenty Years (Genesis 6:3)2024-02-02
  346. Some Have Entertained Angels Unawares (Hebrews 13:2)2024-02-01
  347. Entertain Strangers (Hebrews 13:2)2024-01-31
  348. Brotherly Love2024-01-30
  349. Reverence and Godly Fear (Hebrews 12:28)2024-01-29
  350. Let Us Have Grace (Hebrews 12:28)2024-01-28
  351. Refuse Not Him that Speaketh (Hebrews 12:25)2024-01-27
  352. But I Speak This by Permission, and Not of Commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6)2024-01-26
  353. I Commend Unto You Phebe Our Sister (Romans 16:1-2)2024-01-25
  354. They Shall Take Up Serpents (Mark 16:18)2024-01-24
  355. They Will Hear It (Acts 28:28)2024-01-23
  356. Altogether Such as I Am (Acts 26:29)2024-01-22
  357. We Will Hear Thee Again of This Matter (Acts 17:32)2024-01-21
  358. Hebrews 12:18-24: But Ye Are Come Unto Mount Sion2024-01-20
  359. The Jerusalem Council2024-01-20
  360. Joses, Who by the Apostles Was Surnamed Barnabas2024-01-19
  361. Gamaliel2024-01-18
  362. Follow Me (John 21:19)2024-01-17
  363. These Things Said Esaias, When He Saw His Glory (John 12:41)2024-01-16
  364. John Did No Miracle (John 10:41)2024-01-15
  365. And He Worshipped Him (John 9:38)2024-01-14
  366. The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn2024-01-13
  367. If the Grapegatherers Came to Thee (Obadiah 1:5)2024-01-13
  368. A Famine in the Land (Amos 8:11)2024-01-12
  369. Darkening of the Sun and the Moon2024-01-11
  370. Number of Angels (Hebrews 12:22)2024-01-10
  371. Thankful Again2024-01-09
  372. Heavenly Jerusalem2024-01-08
  373. The King Enquired of Them (Daniel 1:20)2024-01-07
  374. Destroy This Temple, and in Three Days I Will Raise It Up (John 2:19)2024-01-06
  375. Shoe’s Latchet (John 1:27)2024-01-05
  376. Peace Be Unto You (Luke 24:36-37)2024-01-04
  377. What Shall Be Done in the Dry? (Luke 23:28-31)2024-01-03
  378. Things Blasphemously Spake They Against Him (Luke 22:65)2024-01-02
  379. The Table of Nations2024-01-01
  380. Historicity of the Tower of Babel and Its Cultural Context2024-01-01


  1. Make You a New Heart and a New Spirit (Ezekiel 18:31)2023-12-31
  2. Sodom Thy Sister Hath Not Done (Ezekiel 16:48)2023-12-30
  3. The Word Which I Have Spoken Shall Be Done (Ezekiel 12:27-28)2023-12-29
  4. Monolatry2023-12-28
  5. Zion2023-12-27
  6. If an Ox Gore a Man or a Woman (Exodus 21:28-32)2023-12-26
  7. I Know Thy Works2023-12-25
  8. Lord, Let It Alone This Year Also (Luke 13:6-9)2023-12-24
  9. The Rechabites (Jeremiah 35)2023-12-23
  10. A Greater Than Jonas Is Here (Luke 11:32)2023-12-22
  11. Martha, Martha (Luke 10:40-42)2023-12-21
  12. He That Is Not Against Us Is On Our Part... He That Is Not With Me Is Against Me2023-12-20
  13. Return to Thine Own House (Mark 5:19-20; Luke 8:39)2023-12-19
  14. Forgiveness2023-12-18
  15. Continued All Night in Prayer to God (Luke 6:12)2023-12-17
  16. Hebrews 12:14-17: Holiness, Without Which No Man Shall See the Lord2023-12-16
  17. I Came Not to Call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance (Luke 5:32)2023-12-16
  18. Joseph the Husband of Mary2023-12-15
  19. William Shakespeare and Psalm 462023-12-14
  20. Every Male that Openeth the Womb (Luke 2:23)2023-12-13
  21. While It Is Day (John 9:4)2023-12-12
  22. Thou Art Peter, and Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church (Matthew 16:18)2023-12-11
  23. Queens in the Bible2023-12-10
  24. I Make Peace, and Create Evil (Isaiah 45:7)2023-12-10
  25. Hebrews 12:3-13: The Chastening of the Lord2023-12-09
  26. Highly Favoured (Luke 1:28)2023-12-09
  27. Wellbeloved2023-12-08
  28. The Head Stone of the Corner (Psalm 118:22-23)2023-12-07
  29. My Wellbeloved Hath a Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-7)2023-12-06
  30. A Ransom for Many (Mark 10:45)2023-12-05
  31. The Law Written in Their Hearts (Romans 2:12-15)2023-12-04
  32. Where There Is No Vision (Proverbs 29:18)2023-12-03
  33. A Lying Tongue (Proverbs 26:28)2023-12-02
  34. The Candle of the LORD (Proverbs 20:27)2023-12-01
  35. Peace, Be Still (Mark 4:39)2023-11-30
  36. Things Too High for Me (Psalm 131:1)2023-11-29
  37. The Issues of Life (Proverbs 4:23)2023-11-28
  38. Son, Thy Sins Be Forgiven Thee (Mark 2:5)2023-11-27
  39. Yet They Say, The LORD Shall Not See (Psalm 94:7-11)2023-11-26
  40. Hebrews 12:1-2: Looking unto Jesus2023-11-25
  41. Aliens, UFOs, and Extraterrestrial Life2023-11-25
  42. They Shoot Out the Lip, They Shake the Head (Psalm 22:7-8)2023-11-24
  43. Using Your Talents to Make a Positive Impact2023-11-23
  44. His Truth Endureth to All Generations (Psalm 100:5)2023-11-23
  45. Home Again2023-11-22
  46. Thou Hast Ascended on High (Psalm 68:18)2023-11-21
  47. But All Their Works They Do for to Be Seen of Men (Matthew 23:5)2023-11-20
  48. Yea, in Heart Ye Work Wickedness (Psalm 58:2)2023-11-19
  49. But God Will Redeem My Soul (Psalm 49:15)2023-11-18
  50. I Hid Not My Face from Shame and Spitting (Isaiah 50:6)2023-11-17
  51. For I Said in My Haste (Psalms 31:22)2023-11-16
  52. If the Foundations Be Destroyed (Psalm 11:3)2023-11-15
  53. Kiss the Son (Psalm 2:12)2023-11-14
  54. Where Wast Thou When I Laid the Foundations of the Earth? (Job 38:4)2023-11-13
  55. God’s Power in Creation in Judgment (Job 26:5-14)2023-11-12
  56. Present Every Man Perfect in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:28)2023-11-11
  57. The Garden of Eden2023-11-10
  58. High Calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14)2023-11-09
  59. A Serpent of Brass (Numbers 21:9; John 3:14)2023-11-08
  60. Biblical Truth Is Historical in Nature2023-11-08
  61. Because They Repented Not (Matthew 11:20)2023-11-08
  62. Genesis 1-11 in the New Testament2023-11-07
  63. The Creation2023-11-06
  64. Touched with the Cross2023-11-06
  65. Eternal Purpose Which He Purposed in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:11)2023-11-05
  66. Partakers of His Promise in Christ (Ephesians 3:6)2023-11-04
  67. Dinosaurs and Dragons2023-11-03
  68. In Christ... Are Made Nigh by the Blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13)2023-11-03
  69. Created in Christ Jesus unto Good Works (Ephesians 2:10)2023-11-02
  70. The Importance of Genesis 1-11: God as Creator and Judge2023-11-01
  71. The Ark2023-11-01
  72. Sit Together in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6)2023-11-01
  73. The Flood2023-10-31
  74. All Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3)2023-10-31
  75. In Jesus Christ Neither Circumcision... Nor Uncircumcision (Galatians 5:6; 6:15)2023-10-30
  76. One in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28)2023-10-29
  77. Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26)2023-10-28
  78. Liberty Which We Have in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:4)2023-10-27
  79. Simplicity That Is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3)2023-10-26
  80. God Was in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19)2023-10-25
  81. In Christ, He Is a New Creature (2 Corinthians 5:17)2023-10-24
  82. Which Vail Is Done Away in Christ (2 Corinthians 3:14)2023-10-23
  83. Speak We in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:17)2023-10-22
  84. Miraculously Woven Together2023-10-21
  85. Triumph in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14)2023-10-21
  86. In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive (1 Corinthians 15:22)2023-10-20
  87. We Have Hope in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:19)2023-10-19
  88. Fallen Asleep in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:18)2023-10-18
  89. Hebrews 11:39-40: Some Better Thing for Us2023-10-17
  90. In Christ Jesus I Have Begotten You through the Gospel (1 Corinthians 4:15)2023-10-17
  91. My Ways Which Be in Christ (1 Corinthians 4:17)2023-10-16
  92. Babes in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:1)2023-10-15
  93. But of Him Are Ye in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30)2023-10-14
  94. Sanctified in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:2)2023-10-13
  95. One Body in Christ (Romans 12:5)2023-10-12
  96. The Love of God, Which Is in Christ Jesus Our Lord (Romans 8:39)2023-10-11
  97. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2)2023-10-10
  98. Hebrews 11:33-38: Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy2023-10-09
  99. No Condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)2023-10-09
  100. The Redemption That Is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24)2023-10-08
  101. In Christ2023-10-07
  102. Sanctified by God the Father, and Preserved in Jesus Christ, and Called (Jude 1:1)2023-10-06
  103. Though He Fall (Psalm 37:23-24)2023-10-05
  104. Reconciled (Romans 5:10)2023-10-04
  105. Grow in Grace (2 Peter 3:18)2023-10-03
  106. It Is (Really) Finished2023-10-02
  107. Sin Is the Transgression of the Law (1 John 3:3-4)2023-10-01
  108. Hebrews 11:32: The Faith of Gedeon, Barak, Samson, Jephthae, David, Samuel, and the Prophets2023-09-30
  109. The LORD Looketh on the Heart (1 Samuel 16:7)2023-09-30
  110. That Your Joy May Be Full2023-09-29
  111. There Was No Open Vision (1 Samuel 3:1)2023-09-28
  112. Vexed with the Filthy Conversation of the Wicked (2 Peter 2:7)2023-09-27
  113. Jabeshgilead2023-09-26
  114. John, Whose Surname was Mark2023-09-25
  115. Now to Appear in the Presence of God for Us (Hebrews 9:24)2023-09-24
  116. Hebrews 11:31: By Faith the Harlot Rahab2023-09-23
  117. Hebrews 11:30: By Faith the Walls of Jericho Fell Down2023-09-23
  118. Hebrews 11:29: By Faith They Passed Through the Red Sea2023-09-23
  119. Who Is Gone into Heaven, And Is on the Right Hand of God (1 Peter 3:22)2023-09-23
  120. Great Reasoning Among Themselves (Acts 28:29)2023-09-22
  121. But the Chief Captain Lysias Came Upon Us (Acts 24:7)2023-09-21
  122. Notwithstanding It Pleased Silas to Abide There Still (Acts 15:34)2023-09-20
  123. Hiel the Bethelite (1 Kings 16:34)2023-09-19
  124. Alleluia2023-09-18
  125. No Man Hath Ascended up to Heaven, Part II2023-09-17
  126. Hebrews 11:24-28: By Faith Moses2023-09-16
  127. Christian Anthropological Implications Contradicting Soul Sleep2023-09-16
  128. No Man Hath Ascended up to Heaven (John 3:13)2023-09-15
  129. Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24)2023-09-14
  130. In That Very Day His Thoughts Perish (Psalm 146:4)2023-09-13
  131. But the Dead Know Not Any Thing (Ecclesiastes 9:5)2023-09-12
  132. And It Shall Be Our Righteousness (Deuteronomy 6:25)2023-09-11
  133. God So Nigh Unto Them (Deuteronomy 4:7)2023-09-10
  134. For an Angel Went Down at a Certain Season into the Pool (John 5:4)2023-09-09
  135. If Thou Believest with All Thine Heart, Thou Mayest (Acts 8:37)2023-09-08
  136. Be Thankful2023-09-08
  137. The Shout of a King (Numbers 23:21)2023-09-07
  138. Two Men Shall Be in the Field (Luke 17:36)2023-09-06
  139. But If Ye Do Not Forgive (Mark 11:26)2023-09-05
  140. Learning About Leadership2023-09-04
  141. Is the LORD’S Hand Waxed Short? (Numbers 11:23)2023-09-04
  142. Where Their Worm Dieth Not (Mark 9:44, 46, 48)2023-09-03
  143. Hebrews 11:23: By Faith Moses, When He Was Born2023-09-02
  144. Hebrews 11:22: By Faith Joseph2023-09-02
  145. If Any Man Have Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear (Mark 7:16)2023-09-02
  146. Hebrews 11:21: By Faith Jacob2023-09-01
  147. The Kindness and Love of God Our Saviour Toward Man Appeared (Titus 3:4)2023-09-01
  148. Molech2023-08-31
  149. Holding Fast the Faithful Word (Titus 1:9)2023-08-30
  150. He Is Bald; Yet Is He Clean (Leviticus 13:40-41)2023-08-29
  151. A Form of Godliness, But Denying the Power Thereof (2 Timothy 3:5)2023-08-28
  152. Ye Devour Widows’ Houses (Matthew 23:14)2023-08-27
  153. Hebrews 11:20: By Faith Isaac2023-08-26
  154. Blessing2023-08-26
  155. Without the Camp2023-08-25
  156. The 144,0002023-08-24
  157. Kingdom of Priests2023-08-23
  158. When the Trumpet Soundeth Long (Exodus 19:13)2023-08-22
  159. For the Son of Man Is Come to Save That Which Was Lost (Matthew 18:11)2023-08-21
  160. Howbeit This Kind Goeth Not Out but by Prayer and Fasting (Matthew 17:21)2023-08-20
  161. Hebrews 11:17-19: By Faith Abraham, When He Was Tried2023-08-19
  162. Hebrews 11:13-16: A Better Country2023-08-19
  163. With Quietness2023-08-19
  164. Shiphrah and Puah, The Hebrew Midwives (Exodus 1:17)2023-08-18
  165. The Lord Jesus Shall Be Revealed from Heaven (2 Thessalonians 1:7)2023-08-17
  166. A Thief in the Night2023-08-16
  167. God Wants Everyone to Be Saved2023-08-15
  168. The Queen of Heaven2023-08-14
  169. God Was Always God2023-08-13
  170. Therefore Was His Name Called Edom (Genesis 25:30)2023-08-12
  171. The Cave of Machpelah (Genesis 23)2023-08-11
  172. Whatsoever Ye Do (Colossians 3:17)2023-08-10
  173. Cursed be Canaan (Genesis 9:25)2023-08-09
  174. The City of Enoch2023-08-08
  175. Only Begotten Son, Part II2023-08-07
  176. Only Begotten Son, Part I2023-08-06
  177. There Is No Fear in Love (1 John 4:18)2023-08-05
  178. Able to Keep You from Falling (Jude 1:24)2023-08-04
  179. The Ark of Jesus2023-08-03
  180. Balaam the Son of Bosor2023-08-02
  181. Elect According2023-08-01
  182. Double Minded2023-07-31
  183. Hebrews 11:11-12: Through Faith Also Sara2023-07-30
  184. He Received Him in a Figure (Hebrews 11:19)2023-07-30
  185. Crowns in the New Testament2023-07-29
  186. Michael the Archangel2023-07-28
  187. Your Election of God (1 Thessalonians 1:4-5)2023-07-27
  188. Whoso Findeth a Wife (Proverbs 18:22)2023-07-26
  189. Unblameable in Holiness2023-07-25
  190. Letting Peace2023-07-24
  191. Dead With Christ2023-07-23
  192. We Look2023-07-22
  193. Raised Us Up2023-07-21
  194. Relearning Again2023-07-20
  195. My Refuge, My Saviour2023-07-19
  196. The Constellations2023-07-18
  197. Leaving Ur of the Chaldees2023-07-17
  198. Mamre2023-07-16
  199. Hebrews 11:8-10: By Faith Abraham2023-07-15
  200. Gabriel2023-07-15
  201. I Can Do All Things Through Christ (Philippians 4:13)2023-07-14
  202. Maybe Daniel Bowed2023-07-13
  203. Snake Surprise2023-07-12
  204. Staff or No Staff?2023-07-11
  205. Paul’s Quotations of Jesus2023-07-10
  206. Darkness Was Upon the Face of the Deep2023-07-09
  207. Topical Series2023-07-08
  208. Types and Patterns of Christ2023-07-08
  209. Hebrews 11:7: By Faith Noah2023-07-08
  210. Abortion2023-07-08
  211. Where There Is Light, There Are Bugs2023-07-07
  212. Doth He Not Speak Parables? (Ezekiel 20:49)2023-07-06
  213. Idols in Their Heart (Ezekiel 14:3-5)2023-07-05
  214. Marking and Sealing2023-07-04
  215. The Fickleness of the Multitudes2023-07-04
  216. Why Artificial Intelligence Will Kill Millions2023-07-03
  217. False Witnesses Did Rise Up (Psalm 35:11)2023-07-03
  218. Clergy2023-07-02
  219. Hebrews 11:5-6: By Faith Enoch2023-07-01
  220. Hebrews 11:4: By Faith Abel2023-07-01
  221. Antisemitism (Jeremiah 50:7)2023-07-01
  222. Plagiarism2023-06-30
  223. Elijah in the New Testament2023-06-29
  224. Elijah the Tishbite2023-06-28
  225. Shemaiah the Prophet2023-06-27
  226. Micah the Morasthite2023-06-26
  227. Whosoever Shall Call on the Name of the LORD Shall Be Delivered (Joel 2:32)2023-06-25
  228. Hebrews 11:3: Through Faith We Understand2023-06-24
  229. Hebrews 11:1-2: Faith: The Substance and the Evidence2023-06-24
  230. Castaway (1 Corinthians 9:27)2023-06-24
  231. Knowledge Puffeth Up, But Charity Edifieth (1 Corinthians 8:1)2023-06-23
  232. Everything Screams Against the Lord of Glory2023-06-22
  233. The Prophets Prophesy Falsely (Jeremiah 5:31)2023-06-21
  234. He Shall Appear to Your Joy, and They Shall Be Ashamed (Isaiah 66:5)2023-06-20
  235. The Redeemer Shall Come to Zion (Isaiah 59:18-20)2023-06-19
  236. Neither Wilt Thou Suffer Thine Holy One to See Corruption (Psalm 16:9-11)2023-06-18
  237. Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People (Isaiah 40:1-2)2023-06-17
  238. His Reward Is with Him (Isaiah 40:10)2023-06-16
  239. Christ the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24)2023-06-15
  240. The Everlasting Covenant (Isaiah 24:5)2023-06-14
  241. The Gentiles Shall Come to Thy Light (Isaiah 60:3)2023-06-13
  242. Therefore with Joy Shall Ye Draw Water out of the Wells of Salvation (Isaiah 12:3)2023-06-12
  243. High Time to Awake Out of Sleep (Romans 13:11-12)2023-06-11
  244. Hebrews 10:37-39: Not of Them Who Draw Back unto Perdition2023-06-10
  245. Condescend to Men of Low Estate (Romans 12:16)2023-06-10
  246. He Opened Not His Mouth (Isaiah 53:7)2023-06-09
  247. Evil Eye2023-06-08
  248. As in Water Face Answereth to Face (Proverbs 27:19)2023-06-07
  249. Deep Water (Proverbs 20:5)2023-06-06
  250. A Good Word Maketh it Glad (Proverbs 12:25)2023-06-05
  251. The Saving of the Soul (Hebrews 10:39)2023-06-04
  252. A Parable of the Fig Tree2023-06-03
  253. Hebrews 10:32-36: Ye Endured a Great Fight of Afflictions2023-06-03
  254. I Am for Peace: But When I Speak, They Are for War (Psalm 120:7)2023-06-03
  255. Open Thou Mine Eyes, That I May Behold Wondrous Things Out of Thy Law (Psalms 119:18)2023-06-02
  256. He Was Numbered with the Transgressors (Isaiah 53:12; Mark 15:28)2023-06-01
  257. The Beauty of Holiness2023-05-31
  258. When I Have a Convenient Season, I Will Call for Thee (Acts 24:25)2023-05-30
  259. When I Shall Receive the Congregation I Will Judge Uprightly (Psalm 75:2)2023-05-29
  260. They Gave Me Also Gall for My Meat (Psalm 69:21)2023-05-28
  261. Agabus2023-05-27
  262. The Bonds and Imprisonment of Paul2023-05-26
  263. The Baptism of John (Acts 19:4)2023-05-25
  264. Presumptuous Sins (Psalm 19:12-13)2023-05-24
  265. I Shall Be Satisfied, When I Awake, With Thy Likeness (Psalm 17:15)2023-05-23
  266. Depart from Me, All Ye Workers of Iniquity (Psalm 6:8)2023-05-22
  267. The Sons of God (Job 38:6-7)2023-05-21
  268. Hebrews 10:26-31: For If We Sin Wilfully2023-05-20
  269. The Blind See, the Deaf Hear, the Dumb Sing, and the Lame Leap (Isaiah 35:4-6)2023-05-20
  270. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Job 19:25-29)2023-05-19
  271. In Whose Hand Is the Soul of Every Living Thing (Job 12:9-10)2023-05-18
  272. Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43)2023-05-17
  273. Purim2023-05-16
  274. Aeneas (Acts 9:32-35)2023-05-15
  275. Christian Extremist2023-05-14
  276. The World Through Him (John 3:17)2023-05-13
  277. For God So Loved the World (John 3:16)2023-05-12
  278. The LORD Thy God Will Raise Up Unto Thee a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15)2023-05-11
  279. They Shall Look Upon Me Whom They Have Pierced (Zechariah 12:10)2023-05-10
  280. There Shall Come a Star Out of Jacob (Numbers 24:14-24)2023-05-09
  281. Who Is Holding You Up?2023-05-08
  282. Hebrews 10:19-25: A New and Living Way2023-05-07
  283. Jehoiada the Priest2023-05-07
  284. Azariah the Son of Oded2023-05-06
  285. I Will Smite the Shepherd, and the Sheep Shall Be Scattered (Mark 14:27)2023-05-05
  286. A Bone of Him Shall Not Be Broken (John 19:36)2023-05-04
  287. Mount Moriah2023-05-03
  288. The Four and Twenty Elders2023-05-02
  289. The Veil, That Is to Say, His Flesh (Hebrews 10:20)2023-05-01
  290. A New and Living Way (Hebrews 10:19-20)2023-04-30
  291. They Might Put Lazarus Also to Death (John 12:10-11)2023-04-29
  292. The Prophecy of Caiaphas (John 11:49-52)2023-04-28
  293. Lord, I Believe. And He Worshipped Him (John 9:38)2023-04-27
  294. The Works of God Should Be Made Manifest in Him (John 9:3)2023-04-26
  295. The Truth Shall Make You Free (John 8:31-32)2023-04-25
  296. Nicodemus2023-04-24
  297. Manna2023-04-23
  298. Hebrews 10:11-18: No More Offering for Sin2023-04-22
  299. Footstool2023-04-22
  300. Horses and Chariots of Fire (2 Kings 6:17)2023-04-22
  301. They Shall Eat, and Shall Leave Thereof (2 Kings 4:38-44)2023-04-21
  302. The Sons of the Prophets2023-04-20
  303. Jesus Did Not Commit Himself Unto Them, Because He Knew All Men (John 2:23-25)2023-04-19
  304. They Pierced My Hands and My Feet (Psalms 22:16)2023-04-18
  305. Taking the Biblical Stand for Gender and Sexuality2023-04-17
  306. Joseph of Arimathaea2023-04-16
  307. Hebrews 10:5-10: Lo, I Come to Do Thy Will, O God2023-04-15
  308. Betrayest Thou the Son of Man with a Kiss? (Luke 22:48)2023-04-15
  309. That Ye May Be Accounted Worthy (Luke 21:34-36)2023-04-14
  310. By What Authority Doest Thou These Things? (Luke 20:2)2023-04-13
  311. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)2023-04-12
  312. For I Know the Thoughts That I Think Toward You (Jeremiah 29:11)2023-04-11
  313. Summary of the Ten Commandments2023-04-10
  314. Commandment #10: Thou Shalt Not Covet (Exodus 20:17)2023-04-09
  315. Commandment #9: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (Exodus 20:16)2023-04-08
  316. Commandment #8: Thou Shalt Not Steal (Exodus 20:15)2023-04-07
  317. Commandment #7: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery (Exodus 20:14)2023-04-06
  318. Commandment #6: Thou Shalt Not Kill (Exodus 20:13)2023-04-05
  319. Commandment #5: Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother (Exodus 20:12)2023-04-04
  320. Commandment #4: Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy (Exodus 20:8-11)2023-04-03
  321. Commandment #3: Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the LORD Thy God in Vain (Exodus 20:7)2023-04-02
  322. Hebrews 10:1-4: The Blood of Bulls and of Goats2023-04-01
  323. Commandment #2: Thou Shalt Not Make unto Thee Any Graven Image (Exodus 20:4-6)2023-04-01
  324. Commandment #1: Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods before Me (Exodus 20:3)2023-03-31
  325. Preface to the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-2)2023-03-30
  326. The Sword of the LORD, and of Gideon (Judges 7:20)2023-03-29
  327. My Blood of the New Testament (Matthew 26:28)2023-03-28
  328. Comparing Spiritual Things with Spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13)2023-03-27
  329. Caleb the Son of Jephunneh2023-03-26
  330. Hebrews 9:27-28: Offered to Bear the Sins of Many2023-03-25
  331. Hebrews 9:15-26: Purged with Blood2023-03-25
  332. Water, and Scarlet Wool, and Hyssop (Hebrews 9:19)2023-03-25
  333. The Long Ending of the Gospel of Mark2023-03-25
  334. Genocide and the Bible2023-03-24
  335. Rahab the Harlot (Hebrews 11:31)2023-03-23
  336. The Abomination of Desolation2023-03-22
  337. No Man Eat Fruit of Thee Hereafter For Ever (Mark 11:14)2023-03-21
  338. House of Prayer, Den of Thieves (Mark 11:17)2023-03-20
  339. The LORD’S Release (Deuteronomy 15:1-2)2023-03-19
  340. The Ten Commandments2023-03-18
  341. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD (Deuteronomy 6:4)2023-03-17
  342. The Iron Furnace (Deuteronomy 4:20)2023-03-16
  343. Cities of Refuge (Numbers 35)2023-03-15
  344. Phinehas, the Son of Eleazar2023-03-14
  345. Og King of Bashan (Numbers 21:31-35)2023-03-13
  346. Sihon King of the Amorites (Numbers 21:21-30)2023-03-12
  347. Hebrews 9:11-14: Purge Your Conscience from Dead Works2023-03-11
  348. The Son of Man Hath Power on Earth to Forgive Sins (Mark 2:10)2023-03-11
  349. One Speaking unto Him from off the Mercy Seat (Numbers 7:89)2023-03-10
  350. A Vow of a Nazarite (Numbers 6:2)2023-03-09
  351. A Place of a Skull2023-03-08
  352. The Year of Jubile (Leviticus 25:9)2023-03-07
  353. Ye Shall Do No Manner of Work (Leviticus 23:31)2023-03-06
  354. It Is the Blood that Maketh an Atonement (Leviticus 17:11)2023-03-05
  355. Hebrews 9:6-10: A Figure for the Time then Present2023-03-04
  356. The Blood of the Covenant (Exodus 24:8)2023-03-04
  357. Hebrews 9:1-5: The Earthly Tabernacle2023-03-03
  358. The Tabernacle2023-03-03
  359. The Mercy Seat2023-03-02
  360. The Ark of the Covenant2023-03-01
  361. The Golden Censer2023-02-28
  362. The Table of the Shewbread2023-02-27
  363. The Candlestick2023-02-26
  364. Hebrews 8:6-13: The New Covenant2023-02-25
  365. Thou Art the Christ, the Son of the Living God (Matthew 16:15-16)2023-02-25
  366. But Moses’ Hands Were Heavy (Exodus 17:11-12)2023-02-24
  367. Mammon2023-02-23
  368. He Did Not Many Mighty Works (Matthew 13:58)2023-02-22
  369. An Ark of Bulrushes (Exodus 2:3)2023-02-21
  370. My God Shall Supply All Your Need (Philippians 4:19)2023-02-20
  371. Sheep in the Midst of Wolves (Matthew 10:16)2023-02-19
  372. Samaritans2023-02-18
  373. He Marvelled (Matthew 8:10)2023-02-18
  374. Presumptuous Eternal Security2023-02-17
  375. He Drank of the Wine2023-02-16
  376. Thousands of Millions (Genesis 24:60)2023-02-15
  377. Escape to the Mountain (Genesis 19:17)2023-02-14
  378. The Vale of Siddim2023-02-13
  379. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil2023-02-12
  380. Hebrews 8:1-5: The True Tabernacle2023-02-11
  381. The Tree of Life2023-02-11
  382. I Come as a Thief (Revelation 16:15)2023-02-10
  383. He Cannot Deny Himself2023-02-09
  384. The Abyss (ἄβυσσος)2023-02-08
  385. They Who Separate Themselves (Jude 1:19)2023-02-07
  386. Jesus Christ is Come in the Flesh (2 John 1:7)2023-02-06
  387. An Unction from the Holy One (1 John 2:20)2023-02-05
  388. Right Hand2023-02-04
  389. Eyewitnesses of His Majesty (2 Peter 1:16)2023-02-04
  390. One With Christ2023-02-03
  391. The Friend of God (James 2:23)2023-02-02
  392. Perfected For Ever (Hebrews 10:14)2023-02-01
  393. Failure, Need, Adversity2023-01-31
  394. The Will of My Father2023-01-30
  395. Of Power, and of Love, and of a Sound Mind (2 Timothy 1:7)2023-01-29
  396. Hebrews 7:23-28: Consecrated For Evermore2023-01-28
  397. Once2023-01-28
  398. To Make Intercession for Them (Hebrews 7:25)2023-01-28
  399. Up, Up, Over2023-01-28
  400. For God Hath Not Called Us unto Uncleanness, but unto Holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7)2023-01-27
  401. Continue in Prayer, and Watch in the Same with Thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2)2023-01-26
  402. Rejoice in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:3)2023-01-25
  403. Understanding Being Enlightened (Ephesians 1:18)2023-01-24
  404. The Idol Shepherd (Zechariah 11:17)2023-01-23
  405. Redemption Through His Blood (Ephesians 1:7)2023-01-22
  406. Mediator2023-01-21
  407. The Sign of the Prophet Jonas2023-01-20
  408. Who Can but Prophesy? (Amos 3:8)2023-01-19
  409. The Spirit Said2023-01-18
  410. Abba, Father2023-01-17
  411. The Great White Throne2023-01-16
  412. The Judgment Seat of Christ2023-01-15
  413. Hebrews 7:18-22: A Better Testament2023-01-14
  414. Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord2023-01-14
  415. Gog and Magog2023-01-13
  416. There Shall Be Showers of Blessing (Ezekiel 34:26)2023-01-12
  417. Let Him Be Anathema Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16:22)2023-01-11
  418. Charity, Part XIV: Epilogue (1 Corinthians 14:1)2023-01-10
  419. Charity, Part XIII: The Greatest of These (1 Corinthians 13:13)2023-01-09
  420. Charity, Part XII: Face to Face (1 Corinthians 13:12)2023-01-08
  421. Hebrews 7:11-17: A Priest For Ever2023-01-07
  422. Judah Is a Lion’s Whelp (Genesis 49:8-12)2023-01-07
  423. Charity, Part XI: I Put Away Childish Things (1 Corinthians 13:11)2023-01-07
  424. Charity, Part X: That Which Is Perfect (1 Corinthians 13:10)2023-01-06
  425. Charity, Part IX: In Part (1 Corinthians 13:9)2023-01-05
  426. Charity, Part VIII: Charity Never Faileth (1 Corinthians 13:8)2023-01-04
  427. I Am Not Come to Destroy, But to Fulfil2023-01-03
  428. Charity, Part VII: All Things (1 Corinthians 13:7)2023-01-03
  429. Charity, Part VI: Rejoiceth in the Truth (1 Corinthians 13:6)2023-01-02
  430. Charity, Part V: Thinketh No Evil (1 Corinthians 13:5)2023-01-01


  1. Hebrews 7:4-10: Melchisedec, How Great This Man Was2022-12-31
  2. Charity, Part IV: Charity Suffereth Long (1 Corinthians 13:4)2022-12-31
  3. Charity, Part III: It Profiteth Me Nothing (1 Corinthians 13:3)2022-12-30
  4. Charity, Part II: I Am Nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2)2022-12-29
  5. Charity (1 Corinthians 13:1)2022-12-28
  6. A False Vision and Divination (Jeremiah 14:14)2022-12-27
  7. The Tithe2022-12-26
  8. In the Stone a New Name Written (Revelation 2:17)2022-12-26
  9. Anna (Luke 2:36-38)2022-12-25
  10. Good Will Toward Men (Luke 2:14)2022-12-24
  11. Graffed-In Theology2022-12-23
  12. The Great Commission2022-12-22
  13. Overview: The Apostolic Period (Acts-Revelation)2022-12-21
  14. The Myth of Overpopulation2022-12-21
  15. Overview: The Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew-John)2022-12-20
  16. Tophet, Which Is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom2022-12-20
  17. Animal Rights and the Bible2022-12-19
  18. Servants of Righteousness (Romans 6:18)2022-12-18
  19. Hebrews 7:1-3: Melchisedec, King of Salem2022-12-17
  20. We Were Yet Without Strength (Romans 5:6)2022-12-17
  21. Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8; Matthew 1:23)2022-12-16
  22. Holy, Holy, Holy2022-12-15
  23. What Is His Son’s Name, If Thou Canst Tell? (Proverbs 30:4)2022-12-14
  24. Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth2022-12-13
  25. His Hands Refuse to Labour (Proverbs 21:25)2022-12-12
  26. The City of the Great King (Psalm 48:1-2)2022-12-11
  27. Overview: The Exile and Postexilic Period (Ezra-Esther, Some Prophets)2022-12-10
  28. Hebrews 6:13-20: Two Immutable Things2022-12-10
  29. Memory of the Just (Proverbs 10:7)2022-12-10
  30. Affirmed to Be Alive (Acts 25:19)2022-12-09
  31. He Shall Be Called a Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)2022-12-08
  32. Named Passages of Scripture2022-12-07
  33. How Precious Also Are Thy Thoughts Unto Me (Psalms 139:17-18)2022-12-07
  34. Overview: The Kings (1 Samuel 9-2 Chronicles, Psalms-Song of Solomon, Some Prophets)2022-12-06
  35. I Will Send Thee Far Hence (Acts 22:21-22)2022-12-06
  36. Overview: Conquest and The Judges (Joshua-1 Samuel 8)2022-12-05
  37. It Is More Blessed to Give than to Receive (Acts 20:35)2022-12-05
  38. Wise Men from the East (Matthew 2:1)2022-12-05
  39. A Child Is Born: The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-04
  40. The Abrahamic Covenant2022-12-03
  41. A Child Is Born: The Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-03
  42. A Child Is Born: The Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-02
  43. Overview: The Exodus and Wilderness (Exodus-Deuteronomy)2022-12-01
  44. A Child Is Born: Counsellor (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-01
  45. A Child Is Born: Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6)2022-11-30
  46. Overview: Patriarchal Period (Genesis 12-50; Job)2022-11-29
  47. Before I Go Hence, and Be No More (Psalm 39:13)2022-11-29
  48. Overview: Creation and Ancient History (Genesis 1-11)2022-11-28
  49. Overview of the Bible2022-11-28
  50. Full Assurance2022-11-28
  51. Who Shall Dwell in Thy Holy Hill? (Psalm 15:1-2)2022-11-27
  52. Hebrews 6:9-12: Things That Accompany Salvation2022-11-26
  53. Hebrews 6:4-8: Those Who Were Once Enlightened2022-11-26
  54. Hoshea King of Israel2022-11-26
  55. Pekah King of Israel2022-11-25
  56. Pekahiah King of Israel2022-11-24
  57. Menahem King of Israel2022-11-23
  58. Shallum King of Israel2022-11-22
  59. Zachariah King of Israel2022-11-21
  60. Jeroboam the Son of Joash King of Israel2022-11-20
  61. Jehoash King of Israel2022-11-19
  62. Hebrews 6:1-3: The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ2022-11-18
  63. Laying On of Hands2022-11-18
  64. Jehoahaz King of Israel2022-11-18
  65. Zedekiah King of Judah2022-11-17
  66. Jehoiachin King of Judah2022-11-16
  67. Jehoiakim King of Judah2022-11-15
  68. Jehoahaz King of Judah2022-11-14
  69. Josiah King of Judah2022-11-13
  70. Jehu King of Israel2022-11-12
  71. Hebrews 5:11-14: Need of Milk2022-11-11
  72. Amon King of Judah2022-11-11
  73. Manasseh King of Judah2022-11-10
  74. Jehu the Son of Hanani2022-11-09
  75. The Man of God from Judah (1 Kings 13:1-34)2022-11-08
  76. Jezebel2022-11-07
  77. Jehoram King of Israel2022-11-06
  78. Hebrews 5:5-10: Called of God an High Priest2022-11-05
  79. Ahaziah King of Israel2022-11-05
  80. Unconditional Eternal Security2022-11-04
  81. Hezekiah King of Judah2022-11-04
  82. Ahab King of Israel2022-11-03
  83. Hebrews 5:1-4: High Priest Taken from Among Men2022-11-02
  84. The Just Shall Live by His Faith (Habakkuk 2:4)2022-11-02
  85. Omri King of Israel2022-11-01
  86. Zimri King of Israel2022-10-31
  87. Elah King of Israel2022-10-30
  88. The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:1-34)2022-10-29
  89. Ahaz King of Judah2022-10-29
  90. Cain Talked with Abel His Brother (Genesis 4:8)2022-10-28
  91. Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5:1-27; Luke 4:27)2022-10-27
  92. Baasha King of Israel2022-10-26
  93. All Things Were Made by Him (John 1:3)2022-10-25
  94. Dinosaurs in the Bible2022-10-24
  95. Evil Communications Corrupt Good Manners (1 Corinthians 15:33)2022-10-23
  96. Hebrews 4:14-16: A Great High Priest, That Is Passed into the Heavens2022-10-22
  97. Ophir2022-10-22
  98. Transgenderism and the Bible2022-10-21
  99. Fiery Flying Serpent2022-10-20
  100. Abominations2022-10-19
  101. Mephibosheth2022-10-18
  102. Increase Our Faith (Luke 17:4-5)2022-10-17
  103. I Shall Go to Him, but He Shall Not Return to Me (2 Samuel 12:23)2022-10-16
  104. Hebrews 4:12-13: The Word of God Is Quick, and Powerful2022-10-15
  105. God Smote Him There for His Error (2 Samuel 6:7)2022-10-15
  106. David Defeats the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30)2022-10-14
  107. Abigail2022-10-13
  108. Doeg the Edomite (Psalm 52)2022-10-12
  109. A Champion Out of the Camp of the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:4)2022-10-11
  110. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)2022-10-10
  111. Ebenezer (1 Samuel 7:12)2022-10-09
  112. Hebrews 4:6-11: Labour Therefore to Enter into That Rest2022-10-08
  113. Hannah2022-10-08
  114. Under Whose Wings Thou Art Come to Trust (Ruth 2:12)2022-10-07
  115. Micah, Jonathan, and the Danites2022-10-06
  116. The Calling of Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew2022-10-05
  117. Jael the Wife of Heber the Kenite2022-10-04
  118. Barak the Son of Abinoam2022-10-03
  119. Cockatrices2022-10-02
  120. Satyrs2022-10-01
  121. Hebrews 4:1-5: Entering Into His Rest2022-10-01
  122. Rahab the Dragon2022-10-01
  123. Dragons2022-09-30
  124. Unicorns2022-09-29
  125. Thou Shalt Deny Me Thrice (Mark 14:30)2022-09-28
  126. Search the Scriptures (John 5:39)2022-09-27
  127. Mine Own Familiar Friend (Psalm 41:9)2022-09-26
  128. I Will Incline Mine Ear to a Parable (Psalm 49:4)2022-09-25
  129. Hebrews 3:12-19: They Could Not Enter In Because of Unbelief2022-09-24
  130. I Will Open My Mouth in a Parable (Psalm 78:2)2022-09-24
  131. The Curious Ages of the Ancient World2022-09-23
  132. Behemoth (Job 40:15-24)2022-09-22
  133. For Our God Is a Consuming Fire (Hebrews 12:29)2022-09-21
  134. Giants2022-09-20
  135. Long Traveling and Home Again2022-09-19
  136. Sheep Which Have No Shepherd (Numbers 27:15-17)2022-09-18
  137. They Held Their Peace (Mark 3:4)2022-09-17
  138. The Rod of Aaron (Numbers 17:8)2022-09-16
  139. I Have Not Done Them of Mine Own Mind (Numbers 16:28)2022-09-15
  140. I Do Set My Bow in the Cloud (Genesis 9:13)2022-09-14
  141. The Superscription of His Accusation2022-09-13
  142. Mesa Verde Petroglyphs and the Written Word2022-09-12
  143. The Former Things of Old2022-09-11
  144. Fortresses of the Lord2022-09-10
  145. The Fingerprints of God2022-09-09
  146. “Jesus Never Talked About...” But He Did.2022-09-08
  147. I and My Father Are One (John 10:30)2022-09-07
  148. Equal with God (John 5:18)2022-09-06
  149. Doth He Not Leave the Ninety and Nine (Matthew 18:11-14)2022-09-05
  150. The Transfiguration2022-09-04
  151. But Whom Say Ye That I Am? (Matthew 16:15)2022-09-03
  152. Elim (Exodus 15:27)2022-09-02
  153. The Commandments of Men (Matthew 15:9)2022-09-01
  154. Treasure Hid in a Field (Matthew 13:44)2022-08-31
  155. The Finger of God (Exodus 8:18-19)2022-08-30
  156. The Sabbath Day2022-08-29
  157. Do Not Interpretations Belong to God? (Genesis 40:8)2022-08-28
  158. Fear2022-08-27
  159. The Ultimate Humility (Matthew 8:2-3)2022-08-26
  160. The Holy Spirit to Them That Ask Him (Luke 11:13)2022-08-25
  161. Contrary the One to the Other (Galatians 5:16-18)2022-08-24
  162. Come to the End of Ourselves †2022-08-23
  163. The Generations of Ishmael (Genesis 25:12)2022-08-22
  164. When People Hurt You2022-08-22
  165. A Better Country, That Is, an Heavenly (Hebrews 11:16)2022-08-21
  166. Hebrews 3:7-11: To Day If Ye Will Hear His Voice2022-08-20
  167. Melchizedek King of Salem (Genesis 14:17-24)2022-08-20
  168. Repent Ye: For the Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand (Matthew 3:2)2022-08-20
  169. Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)2022-08-19
  170. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)2022-08-19
  171. Cherubims, and a Flaming Sword (Genesis 3:24)2022-08-18
  172. A River Went Out of Eden (Genesis 2:5-14)2022-08-18
  173. Where Satan Dwelleth (Revelation 2:13)2022-08-17
  174. No Greater Joy (3 John 1:4)2022-08-16
  175. By Water and Blood (1 John 5:6)2022-08-15
  176. Where Is the Promise of His Coming? (2 Peter 3:3-4)2022-08-14
  177. Hebrews 3:1-6: Apostle and High Priest of Our Profession, Christ Jesus2022-08-13
  178. Incorruptible (1 Peter 1:4, 18-19, 23; 3:4)2022-08-13
  179. It Is Set on Fire of Hell (James 3:6)2022-08-12
  180. Quench Not the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19)2022-08-11
  181. Jesus2022-08-10
  182. Why Then Is All This Befallen Us? (Judges 6:13)2022-08-10
  183. The Lord’s Signet (Haggai 2:23)2022-08-09
  184. The House of God (1 Timothy 3:15-16)2022-08-08
  185. The Son of Perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3)2022-08-07
  186. Hebrews 2:14-18: Made Like Unto His Brethren2022-08-06
  187. Sounded Out the Word of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 1:8)2022-08-06
  188. Complete in Him (Colossians 2:10)2022-08-05
  189. Let This Mind Be in You (Philippians 2:4-11)2022-08-04
  190. A Book of Remembrance: The Lamb’s Book of Life (Malachi 3:16)2022-08-03
  191. The BRANCH (Zechariah 6:12)2022-08-02
  192. The Day of the LORD (Zephaniah 1:14-18)2022-08-01
  193. Love and Peace (Ephesians 3:19; Philippians 4:7)2022-07-31
  194. He Is the Living God (Daniel 6:26-27)2022-07-30
  195. The Form of the Fourth (Daniel 3:25)2022-07-29
  196. A New Creature (Galatians 6:14-15)2022-07-28
  197. Live in the Spirit (Galatians 5:24-25)2022-07-27
  198. Truth Makes Enemies (Galatians 4:16)2022-07-26
  199. Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed (Galatians 3:28-29)2022-07-25
  200. For If I Build Again (Galatians 2:18)2022-07-24
  201. Hebrews 2:10-13: Many Sons Unto Glory2022-07-23
  202. Let Him Be Accursed (Galatians 1:8-9)2022-07-23
  203. Until He Come Whose Right It Is (Ezekiel 21:25-27)2022-07-22
  204. Spared from Lightning2022-07-21
  205. Angel of Light (2 Corinthians 11:14)2022-07-20
  206. The Face of a Cherub (Ezekiel 10:14)2022-07-19
  207. I Went in Bitterness (Ezekiel 3:14)2022-07-18
  208. Out of the Low Dungeon (Lamentations 3:55-58)2022-07-17
  209. Hebrews 2:5-9: A Little Lower Than the Angels2022-07-16
  210. One Year of Daily Posts2022-07-16
  211. Seraiah Was a Quiet Prince (Jeremiah 51:59)2022-07-16
  212. Seekest Thou Great Things for Thyself? (Jeremiah 45:5)2022-07-15
  213. Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20)2022-07-14
  214. He Cut It with the Penknife (Jeremiah 36:23-25)2022-07-13
  215. Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)2022-07-12
  216. A Voice Was Heard in Ramah (Jeremiah 31:15)2022-07-11
  217. THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jeremiah 23:6)2022-07-10
  218. Hebrews 2:1-4: If We Neglect So Great Salvation2022-07-09
  219. The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (Jeremiah 17:9-10)2022-07-09
  220. Be Ye Stedfast, Unmoveable (1 Corinthians 15:58)2022-07-08
  221. Delivered to Do All These Abominations (Jeremiah 7:9-10)2022-07-07
  222. Stocks and Stones (Jeremiah 2:26-27)2022-07-06
  223. The Lord GOD, and His Spirit, Hath Sent Me (Isaiah 48:16)2022-07-06
  224. Devouring Fire, Everlasting Burnings (Isaiah 33:14)2022-07-05
  225. He Will Swallow Up Death in Victory (Isaiah 25:8-9)2022-07-04
  226. The Reality of Worldly Education2022-07-03
  227. Hebrews 1:8-14: Thy Throne, O God, Is For Ever and Ever2022-07-02
  228. Striveth for the Mastery (1 Corinthians 9:25)2022-07-02
  229. Seen a Great Light (Isaiah 9:2)2022-07-01
  230. Plowshares and Pruninghooks (Isaiah 2:4)2022-06-30
  231. Thou Art All Fair, My Love (Song of Solomon 4:7)2022-06-29
  232. They Themselves Are Beasts (Ecclesiastes 3:18)2022-06-28
  233. The Day of Adversity (Proverbs 24:10)2022-06-27
  234. He That Getteth Wisdom Loveth His Own Soul (Proverbs 19:8)2022-06-26
  235. Hebrews 1:4-7: Better Than the Angels2022-06-25
  236. The Eyes of the LORD (Proverbs 15:3)2022-06-25
  237. The Piercings of a Sword (Proverbs 12:18)2022-06-24
  238. In Him Was Life (John 1:4)2022-06-23
  239. For We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)2022-06-22
  240. The Way Everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24)2022-06-22
  241. The Bible Records, but Doesn’t Always Endorse2022-06-22
  242. Out of the Depths (Psalm 130:1)2022-06-21
  243. Whatsoever Is Not of Faith Is Sin (Romans 14:23)2022-06-21
  244. Settled in Heaven (Psalm 119:89)2022-06-20
  245. Two Holidays2022-06-19
  246. Let Another Take His Office (Psalm 109:8)2022-06-19
  247. Hebrews 1:1-3: Spoken unto Us by His Son2022-06-18
  248. For of Him, and through Him, and to Him (Romans 11:36)2022-06-18
  249. The Author of Hebrews2022-06-17
  250. Teach Us to Number Our Days (Psalm 90:12)2022-06-17
  251. The Lowest Hell (Psalm 86:13)2022-06-16
  252. No Condemnation to Them Which Are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)2022-06-15
  253. Ye Should Be Married to Another (Romans 7:4)2022-06-14
  254. For He That Is Dead Is Freed from Sin (Romans 6:7)2022-06-13
  255. Philemon 1:23-25: Greetings from Fellow Believers and Farewell2022-06-12
  256. A New Song (Psalm 40:3)2022-06-12
  257. Philemon 1:8-22: I Beseech Thee for My Son Onesimus2022-06-11
  258. Blessed Is He Whose Transgression Is Forgiven (Psalm 32:1-2; Romans 4:7-8)2022-06-11
  259. The Voice of the LORD (Psalm 29:7)2022-06-10
  260. Of Him Are Ye in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30)2022-06-09
  261. Thou Hast Put Gladness in My Heart (Psalm 4:7)2022-06-08
  262. Leviathan2022-06-07
  263. God Keeps Promises2022-06-06
  264. A Clean Thing Out of an Unclean (Job 14:4)2022-06-05
  265. Philemon 1:4-7: Great Joy and Consolation in Thy Love2022-06-04
  266. Oh That My Grief Were Throughly Weighed (Job 6:2-3)2022-06-04
  267. Philemon 1:1-3: Greeting2022-06-03
  268. Many of the People of the Land Became Jews (Esther 8:17)2022-06-03
  269. The Precious Blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19)2022-06-02
  270. The Jews’ Enemy (Esther 3:8-11)2022-06-02
  271. Protecting Your Spiritual Life (Nehemiah 13:7-8)2022-06-01
  272. The Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9-14)2022-05-31
  273. There is a Generation (Proverbs 30:11-14)2022-05-31
  274. So I Prayed to the God of Heaven (Nehemiah 2:4)2022-05-30
  275. Tentmakers (Acts 18:3)2022-05-29
  276. Titus 3:12-15: Final Instructions to Titus2022-05-28
  277. Titus 3:9-11: A Man That Is an Heretick2022-05-28
  278. Build the House of God (Ezra 5:2)2022-05-28
  279. Till There Was No Remedy (2 Chronicles 36:16)2022-05-27
  280. Law vs. Grace2022-05-26
  281. Jotham King of Judah2022-05-25
  282. Uzziah King of Judah2022-05-25
  283. Amaziah King of Judah2022-05-24
  284. Jehoash King of Judah2022-05-24
  285. Athaliah Queen of Judah2022-05-24
  286. Ahaziah King of Judah2022-05-24
  287. Jehoram King of Judah2022-05-24
  288. Jehoshaphat King of Judah2022-05-23
  289. Asa King of Judah2022-05-23
  290. But the Word of God Grew and Multiplied (Acts 12:24)2022-05-22
  291. Titus 3:3-8: Justified by His Grace2022-05-21
  292. Titus 3:1-2: Principalities, Powers, and Magistrates2022-05-21
  293. Antioch (Acts 11:19-30)2022-05-21
  294. The Third Day2022-05-20
  295. As a Shadow (1 Chronicles 29:15)2022-05-19
  296. Untoward Generation (Acts 2:40)2022-05-18
  297. Saying #7: Father, Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit (Luke 23:46)2022-05-17
  298. Saying #6: It is finished (John 19:30)2022-05-16
  299. Saying #5: I Thirst (John 19:28-29)2022-05-15
  300. Titus 2:11-15: The Great God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ2022-05-14
  301. Saying #4: My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34)2022-05-14
  302. Gospel Authorship According to the Church Fathers2022-05-13
  303. Saying #3: Woman, Behold Thy Son! ... Behold Thy Mother! (John 19:26-27)2022-05-13
  304. Saying #2: To Day Shalt Thou Be with Me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)2022-05-12
  305. Saying #1: Father, Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do (Luke 23:34)2022-05-11
  306. The Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross2022-05-10
  307. God’s Irruption Days2022-05-09
  308. I AM Statement #9: I Am He (John 8:24, 28; 13:19; 18:5-8)2022-05-08
  309. Titus 2:9-10: Exhorting Servants2022-05-07
  310. Titus 2:7-8: A Pattern of Good Works2022-05-07
  311. I AM Statement #8: I Am (John 8:58)2022-05-07
  312. Filioque2022-05-06
  313. I AM Statement #7: I Am the True Vine (John 15:1, 5)2022-05-06
  314. Nadab King of Israel2022-05-05
  315. I AM Statement #6: I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)2022-05-05
  316. I AM Statement #5: I Am the Resurrection, and the Life (John 11:25-26)2022-05-04
  317. Abijam King of Judah2022-05-03
  318. Rehoboam King of Judah2022-05-03
  319. Jeroboam King of Israel2022-05-03
  320. Solomon King of Israel2022-05-03
  321. I AM Statement #4: I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)2022-05-03
  322. I AM Statement #3: I Am the Door of the Sheep (John 10:7-9)2022-05-02
  323. I AM Statement #2: I Am the Light of the World (John 8:12)2022-05-01
  324. I AM Statement #1: I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)2022-04-30
  325. The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus2022-04-29
  326. David King of Israel2022-04-28
  327. Sheba, the Son of Bichri (2 Samuel 20)2022-04-27
  328. The Tragedy of Absalom2022-04-26
  329. Free Food (John 6:26)2022-04-25
  330. Moses, in Whom Ye Trust (John 5:45)2022-04-24
  331. Titus 2:1-6: Sound Doctrine in the Household of God2022-04-23
  332. I Know that Messias Cometh (John 4:25)2022-04-23
  333. Samuel2022-04-22
  334. Ishbosheth King of Israel2022-04-22
  335. King Saul2022-04-21
  336. When God is Silent2022-04-20
  337. To Enter into His Glory (Luke 24:25-26)2022-04-19
  338. Saul Eyed David from That Day and Forward (1 Samuel 18:7-9)2022-04-18
  339. Easter in the Bible2022-04-17
  340. Titus 1:15-16: They Profess that They Know God2022-04-16
  341. Titus 1:10-14: Unruly and Vain Talkers2022-04-16
  342. To Save by Many or by Few (1 Samuel 14:6-7)2022-04-16
  343. How to Deal with Rejection2022-04-15
  344. Eli the Priest2022-04-14
  345. Shall He Find Faith on the Earth? (Luke 18:8)2022-04-13
  346. Abdon the Son of Hillel, a Pirathonite2022-04-12
  347. Elon, a Zebulonite2022-04-12
  348. Ibzan of Bethlehem2022-04-12
  349. Right in His Own Eyes (Judges 17:6)2022-04-12
  350. Jair, a Gileadite2022-04-11
  351. Tola the Son of Puah2022-04-11
  352. Abimelech, the Son of Gideon2022-04-11
  353. Samson2022-04-11
  354. Deborah, a Prophetess2022-04-10
  355. Ehud, a Man Lefthanded2022-04-10
  356. Jephthah the Gileadite2022-04-10
  357. Othniel the Son of Kenaz2022-04-09
  358. Titus 1:5-9: Set in Order the Things That Are Wanting2022-04-09
  359. Titus 1:1-4: Greeting2022-04-09
  360. Jerubbaal, who is Gideon2022-04-09
  361. The Elect2022-04-08
  362. Shamgar the Son of Anath (Judges 3:31)2022-04-08
  363. But As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15)2022-04-07
  364. Not Having All the Answers2022-04-06
  365. For Whom He Did Foreknow, He Also Did Predestinate (Romans 8:28-30)2022-04-05
  366. His People Which He Foreknew2022-04-04
  367. Foreknowledge and Foreknew2022-04-03
  368. Achan, the Son of Carmi (Joshua 7)2022-04-02
  369. Man, Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee (Luke 5:20-21)2022-04-01
  370. I Kill, and I Make Alive (Deuteronomy 32:39-40)2022-03-31
  371. The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness (Luke 3:4-6)2022-03-30
  372. Simeon’s Praise for Jesus (Luke 2:25)2022-03-29
  373. Behold the Handmaid of the Lord (Luke 1:37-38)2022-03-28
  374. For They Were Afraid (Mark 16:8)2022-03-27
  375. 2 Timothy 4:19-22: Salutations and Greetings2022-03-26
  376. 2 Timothy 4:9-18: All Men Forsook Me2022-03-26
  377. When He Had Scourged Him (Mark 15:15)2022-03-26
  378. Because the LORD Loved You (Deuteronomy 7:7-8)2022-03-25
  379. Lo, Here Is Christ; Or, Lo, He Is There (Mark 13:21-22)2022-03-24
  380. Two Mites (Mark 12:41-44)2022-03-23
  381. By What Authority? (Mark 11:28)2022-03-22
  382. The Tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Half of Manasseh (Numbers 32:5)2022-03-22
  383. Followed Jesus in the Way (Mark 10:51-52)2022-03-21
  384. A Passion Prediction (Mark 9:31-32)2022-03-20
  385. The Execution of Paul2022-03-19
  386. 2 Timothy 4:6-8: The Time of My Departure2022-03-19
  387. Spring Up, O Well (Numbers 21:17-18)2022-03-19
  388. Let the Children First Be Filled (Mark 7:27)2022-03-18
  389. But the Soul that Doeth Ought Presumptuously (Numbers 15:30-31)2022-03-17
  390. Would God That All the LORD’s People Were Prophets (Numbers 11:29)2022-03-16
  391. Legion (Mark 5:9)2022-03-16
  392. He Knoweth Not How (Mark 4:26-29)2022-03-15
  393. The LORD Bless Thee, and Keep Thee (Numbers 6:22-27)2022-03-14
  394. Sinners to Repentance (Mark 2:16-17)2022-03-13
  395. 2 Timothy 4:1-5: Preach While You Have the Chance2022-03-12
  396. Hold Thy Peace, and Come Out of Him (Mark 1:25)2022-03-12
  397. They Came and Held Him by the Feet (Matthew 28:9)2022-03-11
  398. Thou Shalt Offer Salt (Leviticus 2:13)2022-03-10
  399. Barabbas (Matthew 27:16)2022-03-10
  400. Gethsemane2022-03-09
  401. Ye Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour (Matthew 25:13)2022-03-08
  402. The Bullock for the Sin Offering (Leviticus 8:14)2022-03-07
  403. All Live unto Him (Luke 20:37-38)2022-03-06
  404. 2 Timothy 3:14-17: Wise unto Salvation2022-03-05
  405. Lethargic Christianity2022-03-05
  406. Hosanna in the Highest (Matthew 21:9)2022-03-04
  407. A Molten Calf (Exodus 32)2022-03-03
  408. First Shall Be Last, Last Shall Be First (Matthew 19:30)2022-03-02
  409. Become as Little Children (Matthew 18:3)2022-03-01
  410. Moses the Evangelist (Exodus 18:8)2022-02-28
  411. Signs of the Times (Matthew 16:1-3)2022-02-27
  412. 2 Timothy 3:10-13: Persecution2022-02-26
  413. The Passover2022-02-26
  414. By My Name JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:2-3)2022-02-25
  415. Israel is My Son, Even My Firstborn (Exodus 4:22)2022-02-24
  416. A Coffin in Egypt (Genesis 50:26)2022-02-23
  417. Grace (Romans 11:6)2022-02-22
  418. Joseph2022-02-21
  419. Lord of the Harvest (Matthew 9:37-38)2022-02-20
  420. 2 Timothy 3:1-9: Perilous Times2022-02-19
  421. I Am a Man Under Authority (Matthew 8:8-9)2022-02-19
  422. Judge Not (Matthew 7:1-6)2022-02-18
  423. Perseverance (Genesis 25)2022-02-17
  424. Thy Son, Thine Only Son (Genesis 22)2022-02-16
  425. For He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over Thee (Psalm 91:11-12)2022-02-15
  426. Becoming an Atheist2022-02-14
  427. It’s Not a Popularity Contest2022-02-13
  428. Enoch2022-02-12
  429. Jannes and Jambres2022-02-11
  430. Surely I Come Quickly (Revelation 22:20)2022-02-11
  431. Behold, I Come as a Thief (Revelation 16:15)2022-02-10
  432. All Nations, and Kindreds, and People, and Tongues (Revelation 7:9-10)2022-02-09
  433. Lukewarm (Revelation 3:15)2022-02-08
  434. Cain, Balaam, Core (Jude 1:11)2022-02-07
  435. Sinless Perfection (1 John 1:8)2022-02-06
  436. 2 Timothy 2:22-26: Flee, but Follow2022-02-05
  437. Today2022-02-05
  438. 2 Timothy 2:20-21: A Vessel unto Honour2022-02-04
  439. I Will Raise unto David a Righteous Branch2022-02-04
  440. Scripture Reading2022-02-03
  441. The Sinner’s Prayer2022-02-02
  442. The Renewing of the Holy Spirit2022-02-01
  443. The Seven Spirits of God2022-01-31
  444. The Burden of the Church2022-01-30
  445. 2 Timothy 2:16-19: Their Word Will Eat as Doth a Canker2022-01-29
  446. 2 Timothy 2:14-15: Study to Shew Thyself Approved unto God2022-01-29
  447. With His Stripes We Are Healed (Isaiah 53:5)2022-01-29
  448. “I Tried Christianity, but It Didn’t Work”2022-01-28
  449. Except a Corn of Wheat Fall into the Ground and Die (John 12:24)2022-01-27
  450. The Comfort of the Holy Spirit2022-01-26
  451. Our Conversation Is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20)2022-01-25
  452. I Would Never Do That...2022-01-24
  453. Ordained to Eternal Life (Acts 13:48)2022-01-23
  454. 2 Timothy 2:11-13: It Is a Faithful Saying2022-01-22
  455. All Things to All Men (1 Corinthians 9:21-22)2022-01-22
  456. He Knoweth Them that Trust in Him (Nahum 1:7)2022-01-21
  457. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit2022-01-20
  458. The Devils also Believe, and Tremble (James 2:19)2022-01-20
  459. Imprecatory Prayer2022-01-19
  460. Vow of Praise2022-01-18
  461. The Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:12)2022-01-17
  462. Gifts of the Holy Spirit2022-01-16
  463. A Confederacy (Isaiah 8:11-13)2022-01-16
  464. Sovereignty2022-01-15
  465. Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar2022-01-14
  466. The Spirit and the Word2022-01-13
  467. Filled with the Holy Spirit2022-01-12
  468. The Secret Cost of the Christian Life2022-01-12
  469. Divers Temptations (James 1:2-3)2022-01-11
  470. He Giveth Power to the Faint2022-01-10
  471. Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Part II2022-01-09
  472. Careful to Listen2022-01-09
  473. Doctrines2022-01-08
  474. The Intersection of Justice and Love2022-01-08
  475. Baptism of the Holy Spirit2022-01-08
  476. Attributes of the Holy Spirit2022-01-07
  477. Deity of the Holy Spirit2022-01-06
  478. Personhood of the Holy Spirit2022-01-05
  479. The Holy Spirit2022-01-04
  480. His Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21)2022-01-03
  481. Comfort of Jonah2022-01-02
  482. Ebedmelech (Jeremiah 39:16-18)2022-01-01


  1. Protoevangelium (Genesis 3:15)2021-12-31
  2. The Value of Human Life2021-12-30
  3. Homosexuality2021-12-29
  4. Races and Nations2021-12-29
  5. The Gospel2021-12-28
  6. Traducianism vs. Creationism2021-12-28
  7. Spirit and Soul and Body, Part III2021-12-27
  8. Christmas2021-12-26
  9. Spirit and Soul and Body, Part II2021-12-26
  10. Spirit and Soul and Body, Part I2021-12-25
  11. 2 Timothy 2:7-10: I Endure All Things for the Elect’s Sakes2021-12-24
  12. 2 Timothy 2:3-6: A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ2021-12-24
  13. The Image of God, Part III2021-12-24
  14. The Image of God, Part II2021-12-23
  15. The Image of God, Part I2021-12-22
  16. Fleeing the Cult2021-12-21
  17. Biblical Anthropology2021-12-21
  18. Jesus Establishes His Kingdom2021-12-20
  19. End-Times Missions: Then Shall the End Come2021-12-19
  20. The Remnant Were Affrighted2021-12-19
  21. Mystery, Babylon the Great2021-12-19
  22. Only One (Isaiah 43:10-11)2021-12-19
  23. 2 Timothy 2:1-2: Be Strong in the Grace2021-12-18
  24. 2 Timothy 1:15-18: Phygellus, Hermogenes, and Onesiphorus2021-12-18
  25. 2 Timothy 1:12-14: I Am Not Ashamed2021-12-18
  26. A Literal, Historical Adam2021-12-18
  27. Rabshakeh2021-12-17
  28. Baptism: 20 Years Later2021-12-16
  29. Jesus Is God2021-12-16
  30. Eliakim the Son of Hilkiah2021-12-15
  31. Wheat Penny (Revelation 6:5-6)2021-12-14
  32. Confirm You Unto The End (1 Corinthians 1:8)2021-12-13
  33. The Wrath of God2021-12-12
  34. The Rapture2021-12-12
  35. The Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-3)2021-12-12
  36. 2 Timothy 1:8-11: Be Not Thou Therefore Ashamed2021-12-11
  37. 2 Timothy 1:3-7: Without Ceasing I Have Remembrance2021-12-11
  38. 2 Timothy 1:1-2: An Apostle’s Greeting2021-12-11
  39. Love Is Strong as Death (Song of Solomon 8:6-7)2021-12-11
  40. What We’re Saved To2021-12-10
  41. Wonders in the Heavens2021-12-09
  42. I Don’t Need to Be Saved2021-12-09
  43. The Great Tribulation2021-12-08
  44. Having Then Gifts2021-12-08
  45. Wars and Natural Disasters2021-12-07
  46. Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established (Proverbs 16:3)2021-12-07
  47. The Ministry of the False Prophet2021-12-06
  48. The Antichrist2021-12-05
  49. One World Empire2021-12-04
  50. A Restored Israel2021-12-03
  51. The Last Seven Years2021-12-02
  52. Hypocrites2021-12-01
  53. The Feast of Dedication2021-11-30
  54. A Falling Away in the End Times2021-11-29
  55. As Long As You’re Sincere2021-11-28
  56. 1 Timothy 6:20-21: Final Warning2021-11-27
  57. 1 Timothy 6:17-19: Rich In This World2021-11-27
  58. 1 Timothy 6:11-16: The Man of God’s Pursuits2021-11-27
  59. Jesus Wept2021-11-27
  60. Guilty of All2021-11-26
  61. The Man of Thy Right Hand (A Story of Thanksgiving)2021-11-25
  62. How Close to Danger2021-11-24
  63. Your Biggest Need2021-11-24
  64. The Author of Ecclesiastes2021-11-23
  65. No New Thing Under the Sun2021-11-23
  66. Links2021-11-22
  67. Reincarnation2021-11-22
  68. Jesus Christ Past, Present, Future2021-11-22
  69. Isn’t It Odd?2021-11-21
  70. 1 Timothy 6:9-10: Desiring to Be Rich2021-11-20
  71. 1 Timothy 6:6-8: Godliness and Contentment2021-11-20
  72. 1 Timothy 6:3-5: False Teachers2021-11-20
  73. 1 Timothy 6:1-2: Serving the Boss2021-11-20
  74. The Prayers of Jesus2021-11-20
  75. None Else2021-11-19
  76. The Thief on the Cross2021-11-18
  77. Who Made God?2021-11-17
  78. Narrow Escape2021-11-16
  79. The Bereans2021-11-15
  80. A New Opportunity2021-11-14
  81. What If2021-11-13
  82. 1 Timothy 5:22-25: The Manifestations of One’s Works2021-11-13
  83. 1 Timothy 5:19-21: Confronting Elders Without Partiality2021-11-13
  84. 1 Timothy 5:17-18: Elders That Rule Well2021-11-13
  85. Abandon Your Assumptions2021-11-13
  86. Kicking Against the Pricks2021-11-12
  87. The Hezekiah Mindset2021-11-11
  88. Selfishness2021-11-10
  89. Take a Stand2021-11-09
  90. More Good Than Bad2021-11-08
  91. Identity in the Church2021-11-07
  92. The Sword of the Lord2021-11-06
  93. The Gospel, Short and Sweet2021-11-05
  94. He Will Be Found2021-11-04
  95. Thou Exceedest the Fame That I Heard2021-11-03
  96. Saints2021-11-02
  97. Wipe Away All Tears2021-11-01
  98. My Yoke Is Easy, and My Burden Is Light2021-10-31
  99. 1 Timothy 5:11-16: Young Widows2021-10-30
  100. 1 Timothy 5:3-10: Widows Indeed2021-10-30
  101. 1 Timothy 5:1-2: Intreat, Not Rebuke, With All Purity2021-10-30
  102. No Adventure Like the Word2021-10-30
  103. Take Up His Cross2021-10-30
  104. Blocked Goals2021-10-29
  105. Mine Own Hand Hath Saved Me2021-10-28
  106. It Is So Important2021-10-27
  107. Pilate and Herod2021-10-26
  108. Apostles2021-10-25
  109. Do Good Works Save?2021-10-25
  110. No Other Identity2021-10-24
  111. Shadow of Heavenly Things2021-10-23
  112. The High Places Were Not Removed2021-10-22
  113. Resurrection Power, Fellowship of Suffering2021-10-21
  114. Praise for Ending School2021-10-20
  115. Morning Prayer and Its Benefits2021-10-19
  116. A Life of Learning2021-10-18
  117. Bethesda vs. Siloam2021-10-17
  118. 1 Timothy 4:12-16: Neglect Not Your Gift2021-10-16
  119. 1 Timothy 4:6-11: True Nourishment and Exercise2021-10-16
  120. 1 Timothy 4:1-6: Faith Departure2021-10-16
  121. Ministry on the Web2021-10-16
  122. Ministry to Your Children2021-10-15
  123. Practice Truth in Everything2021-10-14
  124. I Could Not Stay2021-10-13
  125. Instant Confession of Sin2021-10-13
  126. Why Didn’t God Create Us Perfect?2021-10-12
  127. Narrow is the Way2021-10-11
  128. Dull of Hearing2021-10-11
  129. Covenant with Mine Eyes2021-10-11
  130. But Thou, Bethlehem Ephratah (Micah 5:2)2021-10-10
  131. Come and See2021-10-09
  132. Advance the Missions Frontier2021-10-09
  133. Who Do You Really Trust In?2021-10-08
  134. Too Bad to Be Saved2021-10-07
  135. Why Have the Bible?2021-10-07
  136. Love2021-10-06
  137. Footprints Revisited2021-10-05
  138. Faith2021-10-04
  139. Hope2021-10-03
  140. 1 Timothy 3:16: The Mystery of Godliness2021-10-03
  141. 1 Timothy 3:14-15: The House of God2021-10-03
  142. 1 Timothy 3:8-13: The Office of a Deacon2021-10-03
  143. 1 Timothy 3:1-7: The Office of a Bishop2021-10-03
  144. The Thermometer and the Medicine2021-10-02
  145. East and West2021-10-01
  146. A Heroine, A Hero2021-09-30
  147. Stumblingblock of the Resurrection2021-09-29
  148. First Resurrection, Second Death2021-09-28
  149. The Likeness of His Resurrection2021-09-27
  150. Instantiation of the Christ-Life2021-09-27
  151. Dieth No More2021-09-26
  152. The Advocate2021-09-25
  153. I Am the Resurrection, and the Life2021-09-24
  154. Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee2021-09-23
  155. A Physical Resurrection2021-09-22
  156. Was Jesus’ Body Stolen?2021-09-21
  157. The Convinced Disciples2021-09-20
  158. Agreement on the Empty Tomb2021-09-19
  159. 1 Timothy 2:15: Saved in Childbearing2021-09-18
  160. 1 Timothy 2:11-14: Let the Woman Learn in Silence2021-09-18
  161. 1 Timothy 2:9-10: Adorned with Good Works2021-09-18
  162. 1 Timothy 2:8: Pray Everywhere2021-09-18
  163. 1 Timothy 2:5-7: Preaching the Ransom of a Mediator2021-09-18
  164. 1 Timothy 2:4: Who Will Have All Men to Be Saved2021-09-18
  165. 1 Timothy 2:1-3: Pray for Everyone2021-09-18
  166. Early Testimony of the Resurrection2021-09-18
  167. Mary Magdalene2021-09-17
  168. Saul, Who Also Is Called Paul2021-09-16
  169. James the Lord’s Brother2021-09-15
  170. These That Have Turned the World Upside Down2021-09-14
  171. The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth2021-09-13
  172. Having Loosed the Pains of Death2021-09-12
  173. He Carried Me Through2021-09-11
  174. I Sit a Queen, and Am No Widow2021-09-11
  175. There Is Another King, One Jesus2021-09-10
  176. Treasure in Pottery2021-09-09
  177. Camel Squeezing2021-09-08
  178. Sword of the Spirit, Word of God2021-09-07
  179. Your Life is Hid with Christ2021-09-06
  180. For Ye Are Dead2021-09-05
  181. Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done2021-09-04
  182. Jeremiah, Zechariah, Silver, and the Field2021-09-03
  183. The Historicity of Crucifixion2021-09-02
  184. Birthdays2021-09-02
  185. Do Not Trust Yourself2021-09-01
  186. 1 Timothy 1:18-20: Paul’s Charge to Timothy2021-08-31
  187. 1 Timothy 1:17: A Doxology from the Chief Sinner2021-08-31
  188. 1 Timothy 1:12-16: The Chief Sinner2021-08-31
  189. 1 Timothy 1:6-11: False Prophets and Teachers of the Law2021-08-31
  190. 1 Timothy 1:5: A Pure Heart, A Good Conscience, Faith Unfeigned2021-08-31
  191. The Second Is Like unto It2021-08-31
  192. 1 Timothy 1:3-4: No Other Doctrine2021-08-30
  193. 1 Timothy 1:1-2: My Own Son in the Faith2021-08-30
  194. The Prayers That Matter, Part III: Confession of Strength2021-08-30
  195. Intercession for the Transgressors2021-08-29
  196. Do Exploits2021-08-28
  197. The Ancient Creed2021-08-27
  198. A Memorial of Her2021-08-27
  199. Departed Without Being Desired2021-08-26
  200. The King Eternal2021-08-25
  201. Lord, Lord2021-08-24
  202. The Great Commandment in the Law2021-08-23
  203. Evidence for the Crucifixion of Jesus2021-08-23
  204. He Is Coming Back2021-08-22
  205. The Cross of Our Lord2021-08-22
  206. The Irruption Daily2021-08-21
  207. We Henceforth Be No More Children2021-08-21
  208. Seems Right, But It’s Death2021-08-20
  209. Thank God for Low Self-Esteem2021-08-19
  210. Father, Forgive Them2021-08-18
  211. The Renewing of Your Mind2021-08-17
  212. Thou Shalt Meditate Therein2021-08-16
  213. In Every Thing Give Thanks2021-08-15
  214. Twenty-Five Years2021-08-14
  215. Pray Without Ceasing2021-08-14
  216. Rejoice Evermore2021-08-13
  217. Pulling Down of Strong Holds2021-08-12
  218. God Is Love2021-08-11
  219. Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth2021-08-10
  220. Jesus Knows Me, I Know Him2021-08-09
  221. Without Blemish2021-08-08
  222. Do Not Sound a Trumpet2021-08-07
  223. Let Thy Servant Abide Instead2021-08-06
  224. They Are Without Excuse2021-08-05
  225. Not Performance2021-08-04
  226. In Earth, as It is in Heaven2021-07-27
  227. Jerusalem in Revelation2021-07-26
  228. Thou Must Prophesy Again2021-07-25
  229. For Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing2021-07-24
  230. Boldness in the Day of Judgment2021-07-22
  231. Tree of Life, Prince of Life2021-07-21
  232. Christ Hath Suffered for Us in the Flesh2021-07-20
  233. The Law of the Spirit of Life2021-07-19
  234. Thoughts About Grace2021-07-18
  235. Was Jesus’ Crucifixion a Real Sacrifice?2021-07-17
  236. Temple of the Holy Spirit2021-07-16
  237. In Adam, In Christ2021-07-11
  238. A Vision for Revival2021-02-27


  1. Smoking in the Sanctuary2020-10-05
  2. Satan in the Scriptures2020-08-22
  3. Easy Believism2020-08-16
  4. Violence2020-08-08
  5. Jesus’ Words in the New Testament2020-08-08
  6. The Name of Jesus2020-08-01
  7. Christ and the Church2020-07-31
  8. Black Lives Matter2020-07-23
  9. Additional Jehovah’s Witnesses Links2020-07-18
  10. Pandemic Thoughts2020-07-16
  11. Taking Reasonable Risks2020-05-03
  12. To Know Jesus Personally2020-04-21
  13. God’s Word Quickens2020-04-12
  14. Thy Word (According to Psalm 119)2020-04-11
  15. Recently2020-04-05
  16. Zephaniah 3: He Will Joy Over Thee with Singing2020-03-14
  17. Zephaniah 2: It May Be Ye Shall Be Hid2020-03-07
  18. Zephaniah 1: I Will Utterly Consume All Things2020-02-29
  19. For He Was Yet in the Loins of His Father2020-01-01


  1. Who Killed Jesus?2019-12-25
  2. The Servant of the LORD in Isaiah2019-12-25
  3. When Faith Fails2019-12-24
  4. Peace2019-12-23
  5. Accepted in the Beloved2019-12-22
  6. The Holiness of God2019-10-14
  7. Saved from Wrath2019-10-13
  8. Let Every Thing That Hath Breath2019-01-06


  1. Finding Grace2018-12-31
  2. A Scourge of Small Cords2018-12-22
  3. Elements of the Rapture2018-11-22
  4. Pantheism and the Bible2018-11-15
  5. The Swedenborgian Religion and the Bible2018-11-14
  6. Jesus Claimed to Be God2018-11-03
  7. Jesus Claimed to Be the Messiah and the Son of God2018-11-03
  8. Salvation is a Gift2018-10-07
  9. Practical Outreach Etiquette2018-10-07
  10. The Inner Man2018-09-30
  11. I Bow My Knees (Ephesians 3:14-21)2018-09-29
  12. Dispensation2018-09-28
  13. The Mystery (Ephesians 3:1-13)2018-09-27
  14. Doctrine2018-09-21
  15. The Purpose of Life2018-09-20
  16. Made Nigh by the Blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22)2018-09-03
  17. Born Again2018-09-02
  18. Mary, the Mother of Jesus2018-09-01
  19. And You Hath He Quickened (Ephesians 2:1-10)2018-08-26
  20. Principality and Power2018-08-18
  21. Prayer for Others2018-08-18
  22. The Exceeding Greatness of His Power (Ephesians 1:15-23)2018-08-18
  23. Sealed with That Holy Spirit of Promise (Ephesians 1:13-14)2018-08-17
  24. He Hath Abounded Toward Us (Ephesians 1:7-12)2018-08-12
  25. Mystery2018-08-12
  26. All Spiritual Blessings (Ephesians 1:3-6)2018-08-11
  27. Adoption2018-08-11
  28. To the Saints Which Are at Ephesus (Ephesians 1:1-2)2018-08-11
  29. Grace and Peace2018-08-11
  30. Finishing Well2018-08-11
  31. Roadmap to the End2018-07-29
  32. The Ephesian Church2018-06-24
  33. Chiastic Structure2018-06-24
  34. How Large a Letter (Galatians 6:11-18)2018-06-24
  35. God Is Not Mocked (Galatians 6:7-10)2018-06-24
  36. Let Him That Is Taught in the Word (Galatians 6:6)2018-06-24
  37. Bearing Burdens (Galatians 6:1-5)2018-06-24
  38. The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26)2018-06-17
  39. The Works of the Flesh (Galatians 5:19-21)2018-06-09
  40. Let Us Also Walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-18)2018-06-09
  41. But by Love Serve One Another (Galatians 5:13-15)2018-06-09
  42. Who Did Hinder You (Galatians 5:7-12)2018-05-27
  43. The Cross2018-05-27
  44. It Shall Be Unclean (Haggai 2:10-13)2018-05-27
  45. Entangled2018-05-26
  46. Stand Fast Therefore in the Liberty (Galatians 5:1-6)2018-05-26
  47. Cast Out the Bondwoman (Galatians 4:21-31)2018-05-20
  48. Mount Sinai2018-05-20
  49. Allegory2018-05-12
  50. Where Is Then the Blessedness Ye Spake of? (Galatians 4:12-20)2018-05-12
  51. How Turn Ye Again (Galatians 4:8-11)2018-05-06
  52. Known of God2018-05-06
  53. Fulness of Time2018-05-06
  54. If a Son, Then an Heir (Galatians 4:1-7)2018-05-05
  55. The Elements of the World2018-05-05
  56. Call on the Name of the LORD2018-04-29
  57. Pascal’s Wager2018-04-22
  58. If Any Man Suffer as a Christian (1 Peter 4:12-19)2018-04-22
  59. The Power of a Changed Life (Acts 26:27-28)2018-04-19
  60. The Disciples Were Called Christians First in Antioch (Acts 11:26)2018-04-15
  61. Every Man That Hath This Hope2018-04-08
  62. Discipleship2018-03-31
  63. Take No Thought for Your Life (Matthew 6:25-34)2018-03-30
  64. He Maketh the Storm a Calm (Psalm 107:23-31)2018-03-27
  65. Questioning Your Salvation2018-03-19
  66. Finally, Brethren, Farewell (2 Corinthians 13:11-14)2018-03-10
  67. Confronting Sin (2 Corinthians 12:20-21; 13:1-10)2018-03-10
  68. The Pastoral and Sacrificial Heart of Paul (2 Corinthians 12:13-19)2018-03-10
  69. Ask Jesus Into Your Heart2018-03-05
  70. With Great Honor Comes a Thorn (2 Corinthians 12:1-12)2018-03-04
  71. Paradise2018-03-04
  72. Thankful for People in Your Life2018-02-27
  73. Reprobate2018-02-24
  74. Birth Control2018-02-19
  75. Religion or Relationship?2018-02-19
  76. Who Will Have All Men to Be Saved2018-02-18
  77. Innocent Blood2018-02-17
  78. Wine, Alcohol, and Drunkenness in the Bible2018-02-16
  79. Jesus’ Fulfillment of Prophecies2018-02-12
  80. Hypostatic Union2018-02-12
  81. The Trinity2018-02-11
  82. Universalism2018-02-11
  83. Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven2018-02-10
  84. Ex Nihilo2018-02-10
  85. Riches of Their Liberality (2 Corinthians 8-9)2018-02-04
  86. The Bible on Immigration2018-02-03
  87. Ahijah the Shilonite2018-01-28
  88. Old Testament Prophets2018-01-28
  89. Atonement2018-01-28
  90. The Lord’s Supper2018-01-27
  91. Signs of Covenants2018-01-27
  92. I am the True Vine (John 15:1-8)2018-01-27
  93. Sports2018-01-27
  94. For Filthy Lucre’s Sake2018-01-26
  95. Thanksgiving: January 26, 20182018-01-26
  96. Gad the Prophet2018-01-21
  97. Baptized for the Dead2018-01-21
  98. Justification Versus Sanctification2018-01-20
  99. A Virgin Shall Be with Child2018-01-20
  100. History Website2018-01-20
  101. Nathan the Prophet2018-01-19
  102. Tetragrammaton2018-01-14
  103. The Son of Man2018-01-13
  104. The Son of God2018-01-13
  105. Sharing the Gospel2018-01-13
  106. The Gospel Defined2018-01-13
  107. Continuing in Sin2018-01-07
  108. Living Water (John 4:10-15)2018-01-07
  109. The Meaning of Eternal or Everlasting Life2018-01-07
  110. Saved2018-01-05
  111. The Flat Earth Theory2018-01-01


  1. Unequally Yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)2017-12-30
  2. Giving No Offence (2 Corinthians 6:1-13)2017-12-30
  3. Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)2017-12-28
  4. A Comparison of World Religions2017-12-25
  5. Judaism and the Bible2017-11-21
  6. That Rock Was Christ (Numbers 20:7-13)2017-11-19
  7. Who is This King of Glory? (Psalm 24)2017-11-18
  8. The LORD is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)2017-11-18
  9. On Cremation2017-04-07
  10. Lessons from Soul Winning2017-03-11
  11. From Everlasting2017-02-26
  12. All Gone Out of the Way (Romans 3:9-18) 2017-02-14
  13. Pray for the Hundred2017-02-12
  14. Whose Damnation Is Just (Romans 3:5-8) 2017-02-12
  15. Soul-Winning: The First Two Weeks2017-02-11
  16. Evolution2017-02-09
  17. How to Receive Eternal Life2017-01-22
  18. Attending Church2017-01-21
  19. Tips for the New Christian2017-01-21
  20. Prayer2017-01-21
  21. Renewing Your Mind2017-01-21
  22. Soul-Winning Marathon2017-01-15
  23. And Cain Knew His Wife2017-01-01


  1. Antichrists2016-12-31
  2. Seventh-Day Adventists and the Bible2016-12-19
  3. Islam and the Bible2016-12-03
  4. Churches of Christ and the Bible2016-10-29
  5. Godhead2016-10-22
  6. Oneness Pentecostals and the Bible2016-10-22
  7. Mormonism and the Bible2016-09-24
  8. Another Chance2016-09-17
  9. Keep Your Religion to Yourself2016-09-14
  10. Six Hundred Threescore and Six2016-09-03
  11. Why Christians Should Have a Website2016-09-03
  12. More Than Conquerors2016-08-20
  13. The Judges of Israel2016-08-20
  14. More Than a Crutch2016-08-19
  15. The Kings of Judah2016-08-16
  16. The Kings of Israel2016-08-15
  17. An Open Letter to Christian Voters2016-08-07
  18. How Deep Is Our Sin?2016-08-07
  19. The Foundation of False Religion2016-07-16
  20. The Reality of Hell2016-07-03
  21. Frequently Asked Questions About Biblical Christianity2016-06-18
  22. Tribulation Confusion2016-04-18
  23. Speak Against Me2016-01-30
  24. The Prayers That Matter, Part II2016-01-29
  25. Jesus the Savior2016-01-23
  26. Lips of the Wise Versus the Rod of Pride2016-01-17
  27. Proud Things and Pure Words2016-01-17
  28. The Faith of Abraham, Part IV: James 2:232016-01-17
  29. The Faith of Abraham, Part III: Galatians 3:62016-01-10
  30. Lot’s Preaching2016-01-09
  31. A Little Leaven2016-01-05
  32. The Faith of Abraham, Part II: Romans 4:32016-01-03


  1. The Faith of Abraham, Part I: Genesis 15:62015-12-30
  2. The Bible on Debt2015-12-28
  3. Preaching in Power2015-12-25
  4. Be Strong, and Do It2015-12-19
  5. Saul Died For His Transgression2015-12-18
  6. How Are the Mighty Fallen2015-12-17
  7. The Prayers That Matter2015-12-16
  8. Twoedged Sword: A Bibliology Primer2015-12-15
  9. This is the First and Great Commandment2015-11-08
  10. Lead Me in the Way Everlasting2015-10-25
  11. Man Looketh on the Outward Appearance2015-10-24
  12. The Kingdom of His Dear Son2015-09-20
  13. Everlasting Life: An Introduction to the Bible2015-08-15
  14. The Day of Christ2015-02-16
  15. And the LORD Said Unto Joshua2015-02-15
  16. Some People Try2015-02-02
  17. After His Kind2015-01-15
  18. Great Is Our Lord2015-01-15
  19. When Part of You Has Died2015-01-07


  1. In This the Children of God Are Manifest (1 John 3:1-10)2014-12-28
  2. Iron Sharpeneth Iron (Proverbs 27:17)2014-12-25
  3. Transformed Lives By God’s Word2014-12-14
  4. And Again I Say, Rejoice (Philippians 4:3-4)2014-12-02
  5. But If We Walk in the Light (1 John 1:4-10)2014-10-27
  6. Walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16)2014-10-20
  7. All Power Is Given Unto Me (Matthew 28:18-20)2014-09-22
  8. Church Criteria2014-07-27
  9. Before Honour is Humility (Proverbs 15:33)2014-05-03
  10. Flat Tire: Thanking God for Safety2014-05-03
  11. The Faith of God (Romans 3:3-4) 2014-04-20
  12. The Oracles of God (Romans 3:1-2) 2014-04-20
  13. But He is a Jew, Which is One Inwardly (Romans 2:28-29) 2014-04-20
  14. But If Thou Be a Breaker of the Law (Romans 2:25-27) 2014-04-20
  15. Blasphemed Among the Gentiles Through You (Romans 2:21-24) 2014-04-12
  16. Restest in the Law (Romans 2:17-20) 2014-04-11
  17. But I Know Him (John 7:29)2014-04-06
  18. Not of This World (Matthew 18:36)2014-04-06
  19. Judged By The Law (Romans 2:12-15) 2014-04-04
  20. A Law Unto Themselves (Romans 2:12-16) 2014-04-04
  21. The Bread of Life (John 6:35)2014-03-31
  22. Render to Every Man According to His Deeds (Romans 2:6-11) 2014-03-28
  23. To the Jew First, and Also to the Gentile (Romans 2:5-10) 2014-03-28
  24. Thou Shalt Neither Vex a Stranger (Exodus 22:21)2014-03-25
  25. God’s Best2014-03-24
  26. Revelation 7 Message2014-03-23
  27. The Goodness of God Leadeth Thee to Repentance (Romans 2:4-6) 2014-03-21
  28. For Thou That Judgest Doest the Same Things (Romans 2:1-3) 2014-03-19
  29. When the Lamb Opened One of the Seals (Revelation 6) 2014-03-15
  30. Gave Them Over (Romans 1:28-32) 2014-03-14
  31. Gave Them Up (Romans 1:24-27) 2014-03-11
  32. Their Foolish Heart Was Darkened (Romans 1:21-23) 2014-03-08
  33. The Wrath of God is Revealed from Heaven (Romans 1:18-20) 2014-03-07
  34. The Power of God unto Salvation (Romans 1:16) 2014-03-02
  35. From Faith To Faith (Romans 1:17) 2014-03-02
  36. Your Faith is Spoken of Throughout the Whole World (Romans 1:8-15) 2014-02-28
  37. Grace and Apostleship (Romans 1:5-7) 2014-02-27
  38. Weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9)2014-02-25
  39. Separated Unto the Gospel of God (Romans 1:1) 2014-02-24
  40. Promised Afore by His Prophets (Romans 1:2-3) 2014-02-24
  41. The Son of God with Power (Romans 1:4) 2014-02-24
  42. We Don’t “Do” Being2014-02-20
  43. All in the Same Boat (Ephesians 2:1)2014-02-14
  44. Getting on the Boat With Jesus2014-02-14
  45. An Heritage of the LORD2014-02-09
  46. More Than Moral Pollution2014-01-12
  47. Resting Upon Facts2014-01-06
  48. When I Began to Trust Jesus2014-01-05


  1. After Missions2013-12-31
  2. If You Run Like Jonah, You’re Bound To Find a Whale2013-12-31
  3. The Proper Gospel2013-12-30
  4. Reconciliation2013-12-30
  5. Shall We Continue in Sin (Romans 6:1-2)2013-12-26
  6. Respect Not Thou Their Offering (Numbers 16:15)2013-12-25
  7. As A Roaring Lion (1 Peter 5:8)2013-12-30
  8. Strangers and Pilgrims2013-10-06
  9. I Waited Patiently for the LORD (Psalm 40:1-8)2013-09-22
  10. Say Not, I Am a Child (Jeremiah 1:7)2013-09-07
  11. There Shall No Man See Me, and Live (Exodus 33:20)2013-09-02
  12. Wedding Rings2013-04-13
  13. The Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Revelation 5)2013-04-07
  14. A Door Was Opened in Heaven (Revelation 4)2013-03-24
  15. Seventy Weeks Are Determined Upon Thy People2013-03-24
  16. House Church2013-03-23
  17. Sick Babies2013-03-17
  18. The Churches of Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea (Revelation 3)2013-02-24


  1. Frugal Living2012-12-30
  2. The Churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira (Revelation 2)2012-11-30
  3. Let Him Hear What the Spirit Saith Unto the Churches2012-11-30
  4. Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord (Matthew 3:3)2012-11-16
  5. He Shall Save His People From Their Sins (Matthew 1:21)2012-11-11
  6. The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1)2012-11-09
  7. I am Crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20)2012-09-15
  8. Be Baptized Every One of You2012-08-31
  9. The Bible Without the Word2012-08-23
  10. How Do Ye See It Now? (Haggai 2:3)2012-08-21
  11. Seek Righteousness, Seek Meekness (Zephaniah 2:3)2012-08-20
  12. Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Bible2012-08-18
  13. Chronological Teaching of the Bible2012-08-18
  14. Cross-Cultural Communication2012-08-12
  15. For He Had Married an Ethiopian Woman (Numbers 12)2012-08-11
  16. Camping Trip and Parents’ Visit2012-08-11
  17. Animism2012-08-10
  18. Car Accident2012-07-27
  19. God Helped My Dad2012-07-27
  20. God Provides a Job2012-07-27
  21. God Is With Us2012-07-16
  22. Upon the Palms of My Hands (Isaiah 49:16)2012-07-14
  23. He That Keepeth Thee (Psalm 121:3)2012-07-08
  24. James A. Garfield Lessons2012-07-01
  25. The LORD Hath Spoken It (Isaiah 25:8)2012-06-30
  26. He Also is Become My Salvation (Isaiah 12:2)2012-06-29
  27. Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good (Isaiah 5:20)2012-06-24
  28. Instructions For Removing Evil From Your Home2012-06-19
  29. Taking Heed Thereto According to Thy Word (Psalm 119:9)2012-06-19
  30. A Prudent Man Foreseeth the Evil (Proverbs 22:3)2012-06-16
  31. Praise Ye the LORD (Psalm 150)2012-06-09
  32. Walk the Walk2012-05-27
  33. O Let the Nations Be Glad (Psalm 67)2012-05-18
  34. Plead My Cause (Psalm 35:1)2012-05-05
  35. The Forgotten Man (Job 19:14)2012-04-23
  36. Mourn Not, Nor Weep (Nehemiah 8:9)2012-04-07
  37. Such A Time As This (Esther 4:13-14)2012-04-12
  38. Shouldest Thou Help the Ungodly (2 Chronicles 19:2)2012-03-31
  39. Then the King Hearkened Unto Them (2 Chronicles 24:17)2012-03-31
  40. The Bible on Catholic Doctrines2012-03-29
  41. The Strait Gate (Matthew 7:13-14)2012-03-29
  42. Letter to Boys Varsity2012-03-27
  43. Leaders Ruling or Feeding the Flock?2012-03-26
  44. Satan Stood Up Against Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1)2012-03-24
  45. But the LORD Made the Heavens (1 Chronicles 16:25-26)2012-03-22
  46. I Have Found the Book of the Law (2 Kings 22:8-11)2012-03-19
  47. Right in the Sight of the LORD (2 Kings 18:3-5)2012-03-17
  48. Be Careful for Nothing (Philippians 4:6-7)2012-03-16
  49. Feared the LORD, and Served Their Graven Images (2 Kings 17:41)2012-03-16
  50. Humble Yourselves in the Sight of the Lord (James 4:6-10)2012-03-15
  51. Consummation of History2012-03-10
  52. Bible Reading Tips2012-03-06
  53. Letter from a Senior Pastor2012-03-06
  54. Fathers Teaching Children2012-03-04
  55. Internet Policy2012-01-12


  1. Why God is Good2011-11-11
  2. The Shellfish Copout2011-11-09
  3. Divorce and Remarriage2011-08-13
  4. Speaking in Tongues?2011-08-13
  5. God Is Jealous (Exodus 34:14)2011-08-13
  6. Futile Resistance Against the King (Psalm 2)2011-05-28
  7. A Wisdom Psalm: Psalm 12011-05-27
  8. Confessing Unbelief (Mark 9:14-29)2011-05-07
  9. Simplicity2011-03-31
  10. Repent of Your Sins2011-03-21
  11. Casting Seed (Mark 4:26-41)2011-03-19
  12. Seeking Diligently (Hebrews 11:6)2011-03-11
  13. Forgiving Like God (Matthew 18:21-35)2011-03-08
  14. The Words are Faithful and True (Revelation 22:6-21)2011-02-26
  15. The World That Let Me Down2011-02-18
  16. New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22)2011-02-14
  17. Graven Images Versus Being the Image (Deuteronomy 13:12-18)2011-02-04
  18. Abortion: The Real Issue2011-01-23
  19. Headship (1 Corinthians 11:1-16)2011-01-21
  20. Nadab and Abihu (Numbers 3:4)2011-01-20
  21. Language, Custom and History2011-01-15
  22. Worldliness2011-01-14
  23. The Deity of Jesus Christ2011-01-02


  1. Eternal Life2010-09-24
  2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ2010-09-18
  3. Amnesty in Jesus Christ2010-09-15
  4. Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9-24)2010-07-05
  5. Serving Tables (Acts 6-7)2010-07-05
  6. The Lost Son2010-06-18
  7. Reflections on Will the Theologians Please Sit Down2010-05-29
  8. Sheep and Goats2010-05-28


  1. Ordination for Every Tom, Dick, and Harry2009-10-03
  2. Christians Unlike Christ2009-09-19
  3. Life’s Calling2009-05-09
  4. A Brief Study on Angels2009-04-13
  5. King and Vassal2009-04-03
  6. Experience in Holiness and Righteousness2009-04-01
  7. Balaam Son of Beor2009-04-01
  8. What We Can Know2009-03-23
  9. Moses: Prophet and Priest2009-03-23
  10. The Unclean and the Passover Lamb2009-03-21
  11. The Kingdom2009-02-11
  12. Ask... Seek... Knock2009-02-10
  13. Righteous (!?) Lot2009-02-10
  14. God Sees Us, God Hears Us2009-02-09
  15. One Obscure Man in Antiquity2009-02-08
  16. Where There Is No Synagogue2009-01-23
  17. Expanding Our Vision of World Missions2009-01-19


  1. God Cares???2008-12-09
  2. Haven Like Heaven2008-12-04
  3. Friends in Unlikely Places2008-11-30
  4. Pursuing Jesus2008-11-29
  5. Galilean Fishermen2008-11-25
  6. Discernment2008-11-25
  7. The Church in 20502008-11-10
  8. Joshua and the Man (Joshua 5:13-14)2008-10-27
  9. Hermeneutics2008-10-16
  10. What I Have is Sufficient2008-10-10
  11. Prosperity Gospel2008-10-04
  12. Walking in the Spirit2008-10-03
  13. Commandments of the Church (1 John 3:23-24)2008-09-29
  14. Reflections on our Lord2008-09-13
  15. Prayer Versus Animism2008-09-08
  16. Quotes About Missions2008-09-01
  17. What God Is Interested In2008-08-30
  18. The Missionary God2008-08-26
  19. From Experience to Reality2008-08-19
  20. Position of Grace2008-06-25
  21. Gay and Lesbian Marriage and the Church2008-06-17
  22. Evangelical Stereotypes2008-05-30
  23. The Biblical Metanarrative2008-05-24
  24. Religious Figures in Politics2008-05-23
  25. What About the Poor?2008-05-22
  26. Observations From the Web2008-03-24
  27. Our Power for Living2008-03-01
  28. The Nimrod Hypothesis2008-02-29
  29. What Do We Need to Do to Be Acceptable to God? (Philippians 3:1-11)2008-02-24
  30. A New Day2008-02-11
  31. Living in a World That is Bigger Than Me2008-01-25
  32. Challenging Questions for Thought2008-01-19


  1. Abel’s Sacrifice2007-11-02
  2. The Joy of the Lord2007-10-24
  3. Partnering With National Churches2007-10-18
  4. Like Our Teacher2007-10-17
  5. The Sermon on the Mount, Part 2: Prayer2007-10-05
  6. In the Days Ahead2007-09-21
  7. Evangelism and the Lord’s Supper2007-09-10
  8. Worldview Discussion: From My Thinking to His2007-08-31
  9. Unilateral Intervention2007-08-25
  10. Prophet, Priest, and King2007-06-14
  11. The Irruption of the Wild God into Human History2007-06-08
  12. The Postmodern World Comes to the Church2007-06-07
  13. Transformed By Mind Destruction2007-06-02
  14. The Sermon on the Mount, Part 12007-05-30
  15. The Centrality of Narrative in God’s Revelation2007-05-24
  16. Modeling Jesus2007-05-17
  17. Talking About Ourselves2007-05-12
  18. The Erroneous Scale of Righteousness2007-05-03
  19. Remember the King2007-04-28
  20. Lord of the Sabbath2007-04-26
  21. The Battle is the Lord’s2007-04-25
  22. So Great a Need2007-04-20
  23. Losing Freedom2007-04-15
  24. Heavenly Hype2007-04-08
  25. From I to He2007-04-07
  26. The Lord Lifts Up2007-04-06
  27. Of Slaves and Freemen2007-03-31
  28. Our Crucified Lord2007-03-27
  29. God Doesn’t Keep Track2007-03-24
  30. Destination of the World2007-03-18
  31. Adventures in Missouri2007-03-17
  32. Fact and Feeling in the Faith2007-03-11
  33. In Remembrance of Him2007-03-10
  34. Our God is a Visionary God2007-03-03
  35. Redeemed People and Leadership2007-03-02
  36. Living According to Law Principle2007-02-19
  37. All Things2007-02-05
  38. Condemnation of the Human Race in Adam2007-02-01
  39. The Power of the Gospel2007-01-16
  40. A Significant Truth For All Kinds of Weather2007-01-14
  41. Questioning God2007-01-09


  1. The Lord’s Supper2006-12-11
  2. Qualifications of an Elder2006-12-07
  3. The Three Musts of Bringing Up Children2006-12-07
  4. Basic Relationships in the New Testament Church2006-12-06
  5. Five Ministries of the Holy Spirit2006-12-05
  6. Principles for the Local Church2006-12-04
  7. Playing the Flute (Matthew 11:16-17)2006-11-21
  8. Why Church Planting?2006-11-18
  9. The Sign of Jonah2006-11-18
  10. The Relationship Between Husband and Wife2006-11-07
  11. Motivating Others2006-10-27
  12. Liberty Versus Legalism2006-10-15
  13. Acculturation2006-10-07
  14. Philosophy of Biblical Foundations - Course Paper2006-10-02
  15. Biblical Foundations - Course Paper2006-09-22
  16. American Adages and Values2006-09-21
  17. A Sampling of Animistic Concepts2006-09-15
  18. The Culture and the Values of the Yanomami2006-09-14
  19. Comparing Five Tribal Animistic Belief Systems2006-09-09
  20. Characteristics of God, Humankind and Satan2006-09-07
  21. Impending Judgment (Jeremiah 8:20)2006-09-06
  22. Reflections on Witnessing Without Fear2006-09-02
  23. Who Do You Think Jesus Is?2006-08-28
  24. Reflections on Winning the Inner War2006-08-26
  25. Reflections on Failure: The Back Door to Success2006-08-23
  26. It’s Not About You2006-08-19
  27. Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism - What’s the Difference?2006-08-01
  28. Living on Borrowed Time2006-07-27
  29. There Is None Else (Isaiah 45:22)2006-07-11
  30. Reflections from July 9, 20062006-07-09
  31. The Insatiable Belly2006-05-23
  32. In the Beginning (Genesis 1:1)2006-03-21
  33. Abortion: The Real Issue2006-03-12
  34. Cut Off, But Not For Himself (Daniel 9:26)2006-02-21
  35. The Fulness of the Godhead Bodily (Colossians 2:9)2006-02-07
  36. Why Missions?2006-02-04
  37. Bearing One Another’s Burdens (Galatians 6:1-10)2006-01-29
  38. Shall Not Come Into Condemnation (John 5:24)2006-01-24
  39. The Jailer’s Question (Acts 16:30)2006-01-17


  1. Speaking Evil and Making Plans (James 4:11-17)2005-12-21
  2. He is Our Master2005-12-11
  3. There Are Two Ways (John 3:36)2005-12-10
  4. A Lively Hope (1 Peter 1:3)2005-12-04
  5. Cleaved From One’s Life2005-12-04
  6. Once Suffered For Sins (1 Peter 3:18)2005-12-01
  7. After This The Judgment (Hebrews 9:27)2005-11-29
  8. None That Understandeth (Romans 3:10-12)2005-11-26
  9. Thou Art Worthy (Revelation 4:11)2005-11-24
  10. Salvation Was on His Mind from the Beginning2005-11-24
  11. The Mission2005-10-23
  12. Learning Patience and Trust2005-10-24
  13. Lusts and Longings (James 4:1-10)2005-10-02
  14. A Darkened Mind2005-08-23
  15. Our Innermost Being2005-08-23
  16. A Slave of Jesus Christ2005-08-21
  17. Letting the Light In2005-08-18
  18. Employed by the Lord2005-08-16
  19. The Lazy Perfectionist2005-08-13
  20. The Flesh is Dead, The Spirit is Alive2005-08-11
  21. A Day in the Sun2005-08-07
  22. A Lifestyle of Focus2005-08-05
  23. Get Ready for the Lord2005-08-04
  24. God Speaks2005-08-02
  25. Wisdom and Chaos (James 3:13-18)2005-07-31
  26. The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)2005-07-25
  27. A Study on Islam2005-07-03
  28. Taming the Tongue and the Mature Christian (James 3:1-18)2005-06-20
  29. Knowing Jesus2005-05-24
  30. Fact and Truth are not Democratic Processes2005-04-25
  31. Spiritual Adventure2005-04-21
  32. The ‘Truth Is Relative’ Story2005-04-19
  33. Jesus Christ: God Incarnate2005-02-27
  34. Can You Be Sure That You’re Going To Heaven?2005-01-11
  35. The American Revolution and Lockean Philosophy2005-01-06


  1. Evidence for the Bible2004-12-07
  2. The Existence of Evil (Genesis 3)2004-11-21
  3. The Existence of God the Creator2004-10-15
  4. Is Truth Relative?2004-10-15
  5. Jihad, Zionism, and Spiritual Warfare2004-09-20
  6. How to be Safe and Secure When the World is Unsafe and Insecure2004-09-02


  1. Homosexuality and the Bible2003-10-12
  2. Reflections on Daniel and Revelation2003-06-05
  3. The “Horns” of Daniel2003-06-01
  4. God’s Patience Towards Our Rebellion2003-05-01
  5. Apologetics Course Reflections2003-04-26
  6. Evangelistic Sermon: 1 Corinthians 15:3-72003-04-25
  7. A Theology of Worship for the Local Church2003-04-14
  8. Conducting Ourselves in Fear (1 Peter 1:17-21)2003-03-27
  9. Raelian Star Wars: The Real Attack of the Clones2003-03-21
  10. The Effects of Creationism in a Postmodern World2003-02-21
  11. Discipline in the Local Church2003-02-18
  12. Domestic Violence from a Biblical Perspective2003-02-06
  13. The Concept of Abiding in Johannine Literature2003-01-31
  14. Christology and Soteriology in Johannine Literature2003-01-02


  1. Romans Study Questions2002-12-17
  2. The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares2002-12-01
  3. God’s Mercy To His People (Romans 9:10-18)2002-11-14
  4. The Righteousness of God (Romans 3:21-26)2002-10-24
  5. Reflections on Homiletics2002-09-24
  6. Roman Law in the New Testament2002-06-25
  7. Jewish Biblical Interpretation2002-06-18
  8. Judea in the First Century2002-06-11
  9. The Maccabean Revolt2002-06-04
  10. The End of the Law’s Curse2002-05-02
  11. Israel Under the Nations and the Messianic Hope2002-04-30
  12. Zion Theology in the Psalms2002-04-09
  13. The Date of the Exodus and the Conquest2002-03-12
  14. Pentateuchal Criticism2002-02-19


  1. About Authority and Women in 1 Timothy 2:11-122001-12-11
  2. The Nature of Sin2001-12-11
  3. Who Satan Is2001-12-04
  4. Acts Study Questions2001-11-26
  5. For If We Sin Wilfully (Hebrews 10:26)2001-11-16
  6. Evolution: In the Image of God or Animals?2001-10-23
  7. Word Study of “Disciple”2001-10-05
  8. Deacon: An Integral Office of the Church2001-10-02
  9. Peter’s Preaching of Baptism2001-09-24
  10. The Purpose of Speaking in Tongues2001-09-17
  11. Teaching and Preaching in Matthew’s Gospel2001-08-31
  12. The Kingdom of Heaven: Faith and Lifestyle2001-07-31
  13. Christology in Colossians2001-07-28
  14. General and Special Revelation2001-07-24
  15. Four-Circle Reflection and the Local Church2001-05-29
  16. Education in the Local Church: Lesson Plan Series2001-04-23
  17. Two Responses to God’s Discipline (Genesis 4)2001-02-06
  18. The Beginning of History2001-01-16
  19. The Message of Genesis2001-01-08


  1. Demonization2000-12-12
  2. The Theology of Ruth2000-11-17
  3. Sanctification2000-11-14
  4. Be Ye Holy: Leviticus 19 and the New Testament2000-10-27
  5. Justification2000-10-17
  6. God’s Faithfulness at Marah (Exodus 15:22-27)2000-10-12
  7. Predestination and Election2000-09-26


  1. Second-Class Citizens1999-12-13
  2. Concepts of Afterlife in the Old Testament1999-12-03
  3. The Choice We Face1999-09-22
  4. The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard1999-04-23


  1. Theodicy in the Book of Job1998-04-16
  2. Summary of When Egypt Ruled the East1998-03-17
  3. Summary of They Wrote On Clay1998-02-15


  1. Consummation of History1997-04-30