The Fingerprints of God


It is amazing to see a world that has been preserved from human civilization. It is a glimpse of what the world looked like when God first created it, though not perfectly.

In the Rocky Mountain National Park, we saw the Milner Pass and the Continental Divide, then the Coyote Trail. The following day was a long hike, seeing five lakes: Bear Lake, Nymph Lake, Dream Lake, Emerald Lake and Haiyaha Lake. One path took us through the first four. Of the four, the Emerald Lake was the most fascinating. Surrounded completely by mountains, there is a waterfall in the distance that empties into this lake.

The second path was to the Haiyaha Lake. Because of a recent rockslide that took place, the color of the water was a unique bluish green that I have never seen before. You had to climb boulders to even get to it. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a crown jewel of the lakes.

The following day, we went up to Medicine Bow National Forest in Wyoming, where hidden lakes and waterfalls could be discovered along the way. The roads we traveled had very little signs of civilization at times.

I think these special places show the splendor of God the most because we see so little of human interference. With that, you see the fingerprints of God the most clearly.

Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. (Psalms 102:25)