

In school, plagiarism is a bad thing. You are in school to learn. Essays should quote others and come to your conclusions from what you have learned. If you write software code, it needs to be your own. Everything used without citation is rightfully called plagiarism for the student or out in the world. I believe it should be different for churches.

I will say something about plagiarism and preaching or religious writing. There was a preacher in a famous denomination a few years ago who was caught copying a bunch of sermons and using them. I understand there was some wrongdoing there, since the preacher said that some of the illustrations were his when they were not. It is good practice to say the source where you got something, so one can do further research and the originator can receive credit. However, I believe it is good to use other people’s stuff for the sake of the Gospel and edification of the saints, and authors should not be so tightfisted with their work. “What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops” (Matthew 10:27). The Lord expected all His sayings to be proclaimed. Why be so overprotective of your stuff? Why preach and write for the kingdom and withhold it? Give everything away and expect nothing in return. Let your words help others to the largest audience as possible, even if you get no credit.

These writings are here to be helpful and used. It is good practice to cite this place as a source if you use it. If I use another source, it will be cited. But I want the Gospel to go forth, and I want these writings to be a small tool out among many to help others, whether there be a citation or not.