Thankful for People in Your Life


Today we received some very good news concerning my wife. She had to get an MRI done to see if she had any issues, namely cancer. I had no idea what we were heading into. This is the third time she had an examination concerning this, and this latest examination was going to settle the matter. I am happy to say my wife’s results came back clear.

I was very worried throughout waiting for all of these results. Here are some good things to take away from this:

  1. God deserves the glory for everything. Regardless of the results, this is true. But after all of the prayer, we saw God at work, and we are thankful.
  2. Be thankful for the people God places in your life. God gives you the gift of family and friends. Thank Him today.
  3. You never know when the people you love may leave your life. Take this to heart, and appreciate those people in your life.

That is all. I wanted to thank God publicly today.