The Bible Without the Word


John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John 5:39: “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”

Is it possible to love the Bible without the Word?

The Bible is full of history and poetry. If you are a history buff, you may like to compare the Bible with ancient sources from the Near East. There is beautiful poetry such as Psalm 23.

The Bible is full of logic. Word studies and how they are used for a beautiful web worth searching for a lifetime. Learning how to apply the Bible often takes reasoning and thinking. The Bible is full of wisdom. The practicality of the proverbs can help us live a wise life.

The Bible is full of prophecy. We can see how the Bible predicted events before they ever happened. The Bible is a wonderful, unique and single story that we can tell over and over again.

But is it possible to love the Bible and not love the Word?

Jesus Christ is the Word. He is a real person, with a personality and volition, and he exists apart from us. Yes, you can go through the motions of the Bible without really grasping that Jesus is speaking to us. The Bible is a megaphone from God, and we need to stand at attention. I have appreciated much of the qualities of the Bible listed above without ever giving thought to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us not love the Bible without the Word, for this is what the religious rulers of Jerusalem did.