Our Crucified Lord


Each Monday morning, we attend a chapel where we sing praises to the Lord and testify of His greatness. One of the teachers shared from the Word and went through Isaiah 53 as we went to communion. At one point, he cross-referenced Isaiah 52:14: “his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men.”

Thinking about this verse, I thought a lot about of who we are in Christ and who we were apart from Christ. God sees us in Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God without blemish (Colossians 3:3). Yet it was this perfect Man who died for us, and He was beaten to the point that He hardly resembled a human being. Spiritually, this is what we looked like. This punishment was exactly what we deserve. How God has done a mighty work in the Cross of Calvary, that we are seen in Jesus Christ! How marred we were once, and how elevated from that awful state we are now. God is truly the master of the impossible.