How Close to Danger


We had some kittens “adopt” us recently, as is customary every few years. Kittens like to hide in car engines when it is cold, so we have been checking the engines, and they were found in there a few times. You cannot be too careful. They would be kept inside if it were not for allergies!

After our usual engine search this morning, I went to the car dealer today. After having been there a few minutes, the technicians produced a kitten to me in the waiting room, unharmed. This kitten survived in the engine after driving for 50 miles this morning.

They produced a second one, unharmed, 10 minutes later. You can miss them even looking. All the honking and searching sometimes does not yield the expected result.

How close to danger they were, but they were kept safe for the entire journey. How many times have we been oblivious to danger, but in retrospect, the Lord kept us all the way through!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)