A Heroine, A Hero


There was a Disney movie out a few years ago called Frozen. This is not just a children’s story.

The heroine of the story is Anna. Her older sister, Elsa, was the heir apparent to the throne of her kingdom. However, the future queen was like the legendary King Midas, except everything she touched became ice. She was quarantined for most of her young life to protect others and to keep her apparent curse a secret.

Anna remembered playing with her older sister when little, but after Elsa’s imposed hiding, she could only speak with her through the door. Elsa would tell her to leave her alone.

On coronation day, when the queen was of age, she was released, but her secret was quickly exposed. Elsa exiled herself immediately. Anna went to find her.

When Anna found Elsa in the frozen wilderness, she received a frozen heart sickness from the queen’s uncontrollable ice powers. Only an act of true love could save Anna from this terminal condition. It looks like the movie is setting us up for the tired yet standard Prince Charming’s kiss, but it takes an unexpected twist.

A foreign prince tried to usurp the throne of the ice queen. He had a sword in his hand, ready to slay Elsa. Anna saw what was happening, ran, and threw herself in front of the sword right before impact. The frozen heart syndrome turned Anna into a complete ice statue a split second before, saving her sister’s life.

Anna is like Jesus. Elsa is like you. The sword that was meant for you fell upon Jesus.

It may not be perfect in its analogy, but it is worth recognizing. This was Jesus’ act of true love for humankind. He laid down His life for us.

Moreover, Anna’s “act of true love” was not merely in the sacrifice of her life. She kept pursuing Elsa even though she was pushed away. She followed her into exile. The sacrifice of her life was the culmination of that life-long love.

Anna became flesh again after her loving sacrifice. That non-coincidence should not be lost on us.

Anna did not have to jump in front of the sword. Jesus did not have to go to the cross. But that is what true love does.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (John 10:11)