Beliefs About the End Times


There is a lot of talk about Christian nationalism and the social gospel, both things from different schools of thought, but seek to accomplish similar things. They seek to establish a kingdom here on earth by human effort.

Much of this is driven about what you believe about eschatology. If you are not premillennial, or you are a preterist, or you believe the book of Revelation and the Olivet discourse are mostly historical, then you likely believe the “church,” however you define it, needs to usher in Christ’s kingdom. However, if you believe Christ will physically return to earth, destroy His enemies, and reign on earth, you wait on a kingdom that only He can establish.

Should the kingdoms of the earth honor Christ? Absolutely. Should we preach social justice? Of course. But when you try to force this with the sword or by laws, all you get is the dark ages. We preach Christ crucified and the hope of eternal life; that is what will change things. But a worldwide change will not happen for the better until our Lord’s return. What you believe about the end times will drive what you do in this life.