Asa King of Judah


When Asa the son of Abijam became king of Judah, he did what was right before the Lord.

Asa fortified his cities during Judah’s peace time. When Zerah king of Ethiopia came up against Judah with a million soldiers, Judah was outnumbered, but the Lord defeated the massive army. The prophet Azariah then told King Asa to continue in the ways of the Lord. The king fixed up the altar of the Lord, and renewed the covenant, and many people of the northern kingdom Israel came to Judah because of the revival taking place. Even his own mother, who worshipped idols, was removed from being queen because of his zeal.

Toward the end of his reign, the threat of Baasha king of Israel cutting off Judah intimidated Asa. Instead of trusting the Lord as he did in the case of Zerah, he hired Syria to chase Israel, a smaller force than the Ethopians, away from his border. The prophet Hanani, who brought bad tidings to Asa, was put in prison, and Asa never recovered spiritually. When he became sick, he trusted in doctors instead of the Lord. Doctors are good, but trust must ultimately be in the Lord. Thus, the prophet Azariah’s words were fulfilled: “Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you” (2 Chronicles 15:2).

Recall the days when the Lord brought you through your own battles. The same Lord who brought you through adversity in the past can deliver you again. Don’t let the terror of this world turn you to the world’s methods to solve problems. The Lord is still God, and He is still on His throne.

In addition, when the Lord rebukes you, do not fight it, like Asa did with Hanani. Embrace it. It is not always easy to accept. “Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee” (Proverbs 9:8).

This is a part of the Kings of Judah series. To go back to the table of contents, proceed here.