The Ark


This is about the ark built by Noah for the flood. For other arks, follow the links here for the ark of the covenant and the ark that contained the baby Moses.

A special thanks to the Ark Encounter Museum, from whom I learned some of this information.

The ark was the boat the LORD told Noah to build to save him, his wife, his sons, and his daughters-in-law from the Flood.

Ark Specifications

Here are the specifications we know of:

Animals on the Ark

The ark was to preserve the lives of animals through the flood that would populate the postdiluvian world. Here is what we know with some possible hypotheses.

A common complaint is how did all those animals fit on the ark? Recall that this ark was a huge vessel of about 1.5 million cubic feet. Also, a “kind” is likely a broader category than species. Anything that would interbreed would be within the same kind. For example, in our time, wolves and dogs would likely be the same kind. Also, they would not have likely taken full grown animals onboard. They would have probably taken young animals that take up less space, which also eat less and were easier to manage.

A post-flood ice age likely allowed for the animals on the ark to scatter from Ararat to all continents of the world.

Noah’s Obedience

The Bible says that Noah did as God commanded: “Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he” (Genesis 6:22). Again, “There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah” (Genesis 7:9).

Noah would have had the abilities to build the ark to fulfill God’s commands. This would have included woodworking, metalworking (cf. Genesis 4:22), animal husbandry (cf. Genesis 4:20), and agriculture (cf. Genesis 5:29). The civilization in which Noah lived had knowledge of these things (see noted verses). Having lived 500 years (recall the long lifespans of antediluvian people), he had tons of time to learn a lot of those skills. Because he had about a century after that to build the ark, anything he may have lacked he could have learned, and God would have helped him.

Don’t buy into the evolutionary lie that ancient peoples were unintelligent and less-than-human. They were smart because they were in God’s image, had long lives to learn many things, spoke the same language, and could share knowledge easily. Noah likely would have been a wealth of knowledge in many subjects.

The Ark as a Sign of Judgment

The ark would have been the talk of the town. It would likely have been built higher up to avoid collision with as many things as possible as the flood waters rose. Because of this, people would have wondered what manner of vessel Noah was building. Where is the body of water he would be sailing in? Noah, whether he volunteered for the position or not, would have been “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5). People would ask, and Noah would have to explain what he was doing and why. The word would have spread. Many had the opportunity to get on board the ark. God gave the dimensions of the ark, knowing they would not respond. He could have made it as big as necessary to save people that would come. When the door was closed and the rain fell, then they knew they were too late.

Alleged Ark Discoveries

Some have said they found the ark. Here are some examples:

Given this vessel was a large wooden structure likely to decompose over a period of over 4,000 years, the mountains of Ararat cover a large area, and the area is difficult to access, it would be difficult to find evidence of it. It doesn’t stop any of us from being curious about finding it.

The most important thing is that for the coming judgment, there is no ark. Jesus Christ is our Ark; He died for our sins, paying our sin debt. He rose from the dead. We need to get on board, because in the future, there will come a time that the door will be closed, and nobody else is getting on.