Reflections on Will the Theologians Please Sit Down


Book review of David Bercot’s Will the Theologians Please Sit Down, Amberson, PA: Scroll Publishing, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-924722-24-0.

Bercot gives an insightful account of a paradigm shift in Christendom from the kingdom living of early Christians to the rise of the theological elite. He compares the arguments at the Council of Nicea and the Reformers to the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. Today’s theologians, suggests Bercot, are like these men, holding a monopoly of Biblical interpretation, which is allegedly legitimized by claims of knowledge of Greek and Biblical customs. Knowledge and orthodox doctrine has in essence replaced a love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ, which resulted in fruit from the Holy Spirit. I believe this much-needed book is a wake-up call for us to get back to the basics of the way Jesus Christ patterned for us.