Death to Every Ambition


We make many plans without the Lord. “I think I would like to do this today.” Or at work, “This is the right way to solve this problem.” Or at church, “I think this is a good song to sing or lesson to teach.” Or at home, “Let us do this together.” Making so many plans just because “we feel like it.” Whether work or leisure, we do whatever the flesh might lead us to do.

We have great plans to get promotions at work. We decide we want to go get that doctor’s degree. We do things for show to promote self, but it is the flesh, the old man shouting orders and we listen to the lies of the flesh.

When we speak of abandoning all to follow Christ, we really do not mean everything. We mean some big things and some small things in favor of Christ. We may think of abandoning sin. All good things. But, what if we stopped dead in our tracks and did absolutely nothing until the Lord bids us come? What if we waited for moment by moment instruction from the risen Nazarene?

Oh maybe this is what it means to be dead to sin and crucified to the world. All is gone, except what the Lord bids us to do. There would spontaneity in our following of the Holy Spirit.

On that note, I halt.