Like Our Teacher


Here’s a humbling thought: Jesus says that a disciple that is perfectly and fully trained will be like his teacher (Luke 6:40). An amazing thought, that we have the potential to be like Jesus. Previously, Jesus talked about how we must remove the beam out of own eye before we can remove the mote from a brother’s eye. This always creates an interesting visual for me, but its implications are far-reaching.

In the word of God, it says we ought to come alongside a brother who needs help or correction (Galatians 6:1f). But there is no way we can do that unless we ourselves have dealt with our own sins and our own worldview. In order to relate with and help other people, we need to have walked with God in our own trials.

I am finding that in every area of my life, I need to remember and apply the implications of the Gospel. I am an unconditionally accepted son in the family of God. There is nothing I or anybody else can do to take me out of the family of God. Tonight our pastor at church talked about being set free when abiding in His Word. This knowledge of being accepted in Christ is that freedom. We cannot freely serve God as we ought unless we own this truth. We cannot stop meditating on this truth.