The LORD’s Prayer, Part 5: Hallowed Be Thy Name


Hallowed be thy name (Matthew 6:9)

The name of God is most holy. This means He is most unique, most separated, and higher than everything else. He is the Creator; all else is created. Anything in our finite minds cannot fathom the height and depth of who He is. Everything that can be called holy derives its holiness from Him; He is the only one intrinsically holy.

When we say that God’s name is holy, we are not talking necessarily about phonology and utterance of the syllables of His name, though it can include this. Whether we call the name Jehovah (“Yahveh” or “He is”) or God Almighty, these are most holy names. But a name also connotates authority and power. Most certainly His authority is most holy and pure and cannot be likened to anything else. His name also describes His nature, and surely this is also most holy.

Yet we also call Him Father.

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