A New Day


God is a rescuing God. He pursues those who are lost. And our world is lost. Anytime I think about my past and the worldview that I had, I realize it could only be God that saved me from that.

I very much was like an animistic tribal person much of my young life. When I felt as if I did not belong in the world I lived in, I lived in a world of fantasy stories that legitimized my existence. With beliefs in magic and reincarnation, and spirit beings... with a belief that there was a God out there, but he was remote, stoic, uninterested... with beliefs that to enter the world I had to prove some sort of intrinsic worth to get people to accept me... I was a peculiar sort. Or was I?

Every human being is fundamentally religious. But there is no true knowledge of God without revelation from Him. This world is so estranged from the God who made it that it can be baffling. There are countless religions in the world, from village to village, town to town, and country to country, but they all basically say the same thing. We try to manipulate God (or what we call God), but we can’t do it. Yet God could manipulate us, and chooses not to. He wants us to voluntarily worship Him.

I find myself so often seeing God as a God who exists in my own little world, in my own story, and fail to see that God exists outside of my world. God cannot save unless He exists in a world outside my own boxed-in universe. He reached down with tremendous and powerful arms in the person of Jesus Christ. He stood between heaven and earth. He proclaimed salvation in His name, and died in our stead. He lived again, for He is bigger than the sins of the world. He is bigger than the world. He is bigger than my world in which I live.

Remember that God is bigger than the picture you have of Him. If you have trusted Christ, then you are in Him, and separated from the old man and the old world in which you have lived. It is amazing what God can do.