Ministry on the Web


How can I, a regular person, be involved in the ministry of the Lord? Yesterday was about the possibility of parents teaching children. Today, I want to talk about ministry on the web. This can be anything from extremely easy to fairly elaborate!

If you are on Facebook or related social platform, this is very easy. In July, I decided to write a post every day. This benefits me because it causes me to apply the Word in some way every day. It also benefits others who read it because people who may not be readers of the Word get some kind of exposure to Spiritual truth.

Almost everything I have ever written about spiritual matters is catalogued on this website. Devotionals, Sunday school lessons, sermons, Bible college term papers, and whatever I have written gets put there. I think there are over 800 writings written over the past 20 or so years. The Gospel has been presented countless times on there. They do not help anybody sitting in binders or hard drives. The website broadcasts to the world all day and all night.

You can do this, too. You can do posts on social platforms or write blog posts. You can get a domain or just do a freebie blog from the many platforms that are out there. Posting Scripture is good, as it does not even take tons of thought; it is as simple as copy and paste. Use Facebook, use Twitter, use it all as a vehicle to share Jesus Christ with the world. Respond to others to encourage them in the Lord as well.

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season... (2 Timothy 4:2). Even on the Internet.

Just imagine the possibilities. You do not have to be a technical person to post Scripture on Facebook. However, if you are a Christian and a technical person, let me say again, imagine the possibilities.