Why Christians Should Have a Website


Early on in my Christian faith, I had some kind of website with Christian writings on it. I always included the Gospel, but also anything else that pertained to Christian teaching. Even before I had gone to Bible college, I had always something up on the web.

So why go to the effort to do this?

  1. The web is filled with garbage. The vast majority of stuff on the internet is totally useless at best and extremely harmful at worst. Anything we put up there, from Bible verses to Gospel sharing to devotions, will be a light in the middle of the grimiest vile darkness that constitutes the Internet.
  2. It is easy. You do not need to have advanced education or skills to make a website. Stuff like Wordpress.com makes it easy. Or make a Facebook page. Or get a blog at Blogger. Or Tweet. Or make videos and put them on YouTube. That stuff is free and is easy to use (do an Internet search and you will find any number of ways). Or you can get a hosting plan so you can have your own domain. This might be a little more involved and will cost money. Which leads me to the next item...
  3. It is cheap. There are free options like mentioned above, but usually involve ads that you cannot control. But even if you pay for web hosting and a domain name, it is still fairly cheap. It does not cost much to run this website. You do not need donations or anything like that. You will likely need to learn how upload files, install a CMS, or write basic HTML.
  4. People need to hear the Gospel and other Bible teachings. It does not matter how they get it, but they need it. People need to be saved, learn how to study the Bible, learn how to walk with God and live a holy life, and so on.
  5. It is accessible worldwide, 24/7/365. People whom you do not even know could stumble across your site on the other side of the world and hear the Gospel.
  6. An introvert can do it. Yes, people like me who are not the most talkative or outgoing in the world can share the Gospel through a webpage.

So what do we share on our webpage?

  1. Written articles. Write anything, as long as you want it to be, or as short.
  2. Videos. Also make them long or short.
  3. Have a theme. You could just focus on one subject, such as Bible archeology or Christian poetry or something.
  4. Share the Gospel. The Gospel should always be included, whatever you decide to include.
  5. Have a testimony. How did you become a Christian?

So who should have a Christian website?

  1. Everyone. Anyone can do this, young and old, male and female, wherever you are, whoever you are. But the following people definitely should...
  2. Pastors. You preach sermons every week to 100 people? Put them on YouTube and increase the audience a million-fold. Put the written notes up there, too.
  3. Sunday school teachers. All that time you spent preparing those notes... why limit them to one Sunday and then they are gone forever?
  4. Bible college and seminary students. Do not let all of those term papers go in the trash when the semester ends. Get them online, and they will serve others for years to come.

So how do I get this stuff seen?

  1. Word of mouth. Tell other people about your site!
  2. Social media. Share stuff with others on any platform you may use.
  3. Gospel tracts. Put your web address on the back of a Gospel tract with your contact information before you give them away.

Start now. It does not replace sharing the Gospel directly, but it really is one easy way to get the Gospel out there. People need to hear about Jesus.