Jael the Wife of Heber the Kenite


Previously, we spoke about Barak and his conquest over the Canaanites. However, Jael, the wife of Heber, was the one who took down Captain Sisera in her own tent.

Jael’s husband Heber was one who separated from the rest of the Kenites and was in league with Jabin king of Hazor. Perhaps he was even among the troops that were slain by Barak’s army, since he is not at home when Jael and Sisera meet. Because Heber was in league with Jabin, Sisera thought Heber’s home would be a safe place after his retreat. He found out quickly he was wrong. Heber’s wife Jael gave Sisera more than he asked (milk instead of water), and “she brought forth butter in a lordly dish” (Judges 5:25). She treated him like royalty to lure him into a false sense of security. But when the captain slept from exhaustion, the heroine drove a nail through his head.

The details may be gruesome, but we can draw a few conclusions.

  1. Jael went against her husband’s household in defense of the Lord’s people. Why do this, unless it were the Lord Himself that was the motivation? Her life could be in danger from her husband’s family for what she had done.
  2. Jael gaining honor in battle was rare phenomenon. Normally men did the fighting in the Scriptures, but when Barak faltered in his faith, the judge Deborah said, “the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman” (Judges 4:9). Jael was the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise.
  3. Jael is lifted up with judges in honor. “In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways” (Judges 5:6). Since she was listed with the judge Shamgar, who knows if she had other accomplishments not listed? Jael’s heroism is honored in the song of Deborah and Barak.

We also need to have courage to go against the tide for the Lord’s name’s sake. Of course, without the violence.