Jesus’ Fulfillment of Prophecies


This table is not complete; it is a work in progress. I will continue to update it as I have time and discover more fulfilled (or yet to be fulfilled) prophecies.

The Nature of Jesus

Jesus Was from Everlasting

Jesus Is God

Jesus Is the Son of God and Created the World

The Lineage, Birth and Childhood of Jesus

Born of a Virgin

Born in Bethlehem

Jesus Is From Israel

Jesus Is from the Tribe of Judah

Jesus Is a Descendant of David

Like Israel, Jesus Went to and Came Back from Egypt (Yet Did Not Sin)

Became a great comfort in the midst of great tragedy of children’s slaughter

Called a “Nazarene” or Was Undesired (or possibly the “Branch”)

The Ministry of Jesus

A Messenger Went Before Him

Angels Helped Him

Had Superior Intellect Used to Edify

Jesus Taught Parables

Jesus Calmed a Storm

Ministry in Galilee

Jesus Performed Miracles

Jesus Preached God’s Word, Will Destroy Those Who Reject Him

Jesus Rode into Jerusalem on an Ass’ Colt

Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of Jesus

Betrayed by a Friend

Sold for 30 Pieces of Silver, Blood Money Thrown in the Temple, Used to Buy a Potter’s Field

Forsaken by His Disciples

False Witnesses Accused Him

Silent Before Accusers

Severely Beaten and Spat Upon

Hands and Feet Pierced

Challenged to Save Himself

Crucified Among Thieves

Forsaken by God

Lots Casts for His Garments

Offered Gall and Vinegar

The Passover

Bones not Broken

His Side Was Pierced

Accursed of God

Died for the Sake of Others

His Soul an Offering for Sin and Justify Many

Buried with the Rich

Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus

Rose from the Dead

Rose the Third Day

Ascended to Heaven

Was Rejected, but Became the Savior and Ruler

He Was Harmed by Satan but He Delivered Death Blow to Satan

After the Ascension of Jesus

Gentiles Believed on Him

He Will Always Be with Us

He Will Be at God’s Right Hand

He Is Our High Priest

The Return of Jesus (Yet to be fulfilled)

Called a Star

Will Destroy the Nations

Will Tell False Followers to Depart from Him

Types and Patterns of Christ