Seen a Great Light (Isaiah 9:2)


The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. (Isaiah 9:2)

This was fulfilled in Matthew 4:13-17. Jesus went into Galilee after His wilderness temptation and John’s imprisonment, and He preached on the coast by Zebulun and Naphtali. Here, “Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17).

There is much discussion about what constitutes the kingdom and when it should be established. Jesus has not yet established any kingdom with His ruling from Jerusalem; He is still in heaven. How could He say that His kingdom was imminent? Well, first we must ask, what makes a kingdom? A king! And there He was. And He is with us today.

Now that the king has drawn near to us, what is the response? Repent! This word has accumulated a lot of religious baggage through the years. What does it mean to repent? Change your mind and your direction. Whatever you were believing or doing before, the coming of the King should make you stop and consider all what that means and respond accordingly.

Jesus the king had come, and He demonstrated that He was the King, and not Herod or Caesar. He came the first time to put away sin. He will come again and eradicate the world system and set up His kingdom from Jerusalem. Jesus’ preaching of His kingdom started here in Galilee.