Internet Policy



With all the dangers on the Internet: pornography, violence, evil ideology, and other ungodly influences, I thought it best to write something that I would follow as guidelines to protect my mind from these influences, for the Bible says in Psalm 101:3: “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.” It really is bad out there. I know this from experience. There is a lot of good that comes from technology, such as easier ways to do things. But we need to be careful.

Web Browsing

The following are good and practical reasons to be online:

There are some bad reasons to be online:

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that when I am bored online, I get into trouble! Like the television, I just close out reality, and let the bad information pour into my mind right through my eyes. This is a very bad precedent, and I need to move on from this. The Internet ought to be a tool I use, not an idol I worship.