Christians Unlike Christ


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

~Mahatma Gandhi

This is what many are saying about us. In my readings on the web, I saw this famous quote referring to Christians and how they are perceived to an outsider. My heart sinks right now because I am so unlike Jesus.

Think about everything Jesus is: humble, gentle, peaceful, reached out to the lowliest of people, loved children, compassionate at all times... He is awesome and everything I want to be. He had every reason to come to earth and destroy all of us, from the prostitute to the tax collector, to the self-righteous religious leader. But we see a very different picture.

The church (meaning us) needs to do an about-face in the way we see God, ourselves and other people. It is time to for us to be like Jesus in a real sense, because we are losing ground in our culture. We are representing God in all that we do, and if we will not become like him, then this verse is true of us: “For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you” (Romans 2:24).