O Lord My Salvation (Psalm 38:22)


Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation. (Psalm 38:22)

David had described his ordeal in this psalm, which included his own sin as well as adversaries that were pursuing him. The psalmist, despite all that happened, still maintained his hope in the LORD, confessing his sin and being sorrowful for it.

The eternal consequence of our sin was placed on Jesus of Nazareth, willingly taking that burden on Himself. He was brutally beaten and killed by those He came to save. His Father put the penalty of our iniquity on the Son.

Like David the king, we too can come before the Lord, confessing our sins and receive eternal life because Jesus died for those sins and rose again. Salvation is tied to a Person, Jesus Christ, not some performance of ours. He is my salvation, and He is your salvation.

But you say, “I have lived too filthy a life. I have even cursed Jesus’ name. It is too late for me.” Never say such a thing, for evil men and women like that were saved and became Jesus’ best servants. “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little” (Luke 7:47). The blood of Jesus washes every sin away.