Notwithstanding It Pleased Silas to Abide There Still (Acts 15:34)


Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still. (Acts 15:34)

Silas and Judas Barsabas were chosen to deliver the letter from the Jerusalem Council to the Gentiles. They were preachers and brothers of high esteem in the church, and they came to Antioch to deliver the message in person. They encouraged the believers there and saw that that they had grown in the faith.

Since we know the Spirit really moved in the church of Antioch, when it was time for these two preachers to move on, Silas remained. He was pleased to remain there. But the Spirit was lining up a new role for him. As it turned out, because of Paul and Barnabas’ disagreement over John Mark, Silas became a new missionary partner with Paul.