Talking About Ourselves


God cannot contradict His own character.
God cannot lie.
God cannot sin.
God cannot stop loving us.
God cannot change.

We talk about ourselves way too much. We are either talking about how great we are or how miserably evil we are. Now we should never deny the depraved state of the old man, nor should we deny sin in any way. But now that we have experienced the unstoppable love of Christ, we need to talk that much more about Him. When talking about ourselves in any way without reference to Christ, we miss the point.

I am convinced the real life of the new man is inextricably linked to abiding in Christ. This abiding is consenting to the fact that God sees us positionally in Christ. It is understanding that nothing we do adds to or subtracts from this love that God has for us. Knowing this fact, consenting to this reality, living each day enjoying this relationship is the beginning of knowing God. We must ascribe everything in us and in our lives to Jesus Christ. We must ascribe our contentment to the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The second we ascribe anything to ourselves apart from Him, the old man has his foot in the door.