But I Know Him


“But I know him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me.” (John 7:29)

Jesus said this to the Jewish people at the Temple during the Feast of Tabernacles.

Did you ever hear skeptics ask how we know what the truth is? We know we have the truth, not because of any intellectual exercise, or because our faith makes perfect sense all the time. One thing that confirms that we have the truth is that we know Jesus, and he was from the Father. Being one with him, we know innately that we too are from God, being born again, and born from above.

There was a time where I was not a believer, a non-Christian without hope. Once I became a Christian, I gained a certain outlook of life and focus that I know I could never shake off. As certain as I was born the first time, and that I exist as a human being, I know just as well that I was born the second time. The second time I was born, I was born into eternity by his grace, and praise God, I know him.