Evangelical Stereotypes


I came across this in the news recently on breaking stereotypes of evangelicals, which is pretty good:


In academic circles, the Bible and the Faith are not considered seriously. Religion may be taught, but naturalism is the worldview most often accepted as the really real in universities. Because of lack of readiness of Bible believers, the Faith has become a laughingstock, such as William Jennings Bryan in 1925.

Believing in God is a liability in secular academia. I witnessed a little bit of this in school. But the minds of secular scholars are on an equal plane with Bryan in the area of creationism and evolution. Here is a question for anyone who thinks they have all the answers: Why is naturalism superior to theism in the field of cosmology? No person was an eyewitness to the origins of the universe. Neither creationism nor evolution can be confirmed by the scientific method or by the testimony of humankind.

As for evangelicals, I still believe there is a certain phobia of academia among them. There seems to be a naïveté about anything secular. There does seem to be a blind following of leaders within the evangelical movement. They need to know why they believe what they believe. There also needs to be an understanding of views other than their own if they want to be relevant in this world permeated by naturalism and postmodernism.