Evolution and the Big Bang


Evolution is the religion of the western intellectual. If you do not believe in evolution, according to them, you are at best intellectually inferior. However, God knew ahead of time that people would believe this lie, calling it “oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20). Let us discuss this worldview.

The Big Bang

According to scientific theory, the universe once existed in an infinitesimally small and dense speck, and billions of years ago, it exploded into the whole universe we have now. Think about the vastness of this universe, condensed into a tiny speck. Nobody was there to witness any of this; we have to take it on faith.

According to the Bible, God created everything out of nothing. His super-intellect was the architect behind all of intricacies of subatomic particles to the massive stars that inhabit the universe (Genesis 1:1). He created everything in six days, a few thousand years ago. They were literal days, as God emphasized “and the evening and the morning” and then numbered the day (Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31). God purposefully wrote it this way because He knew in advance people would create theories how each of the six days were really somehow ages. The phrasing is purposeful to show that they were literal days, as ages do not have evenings and mornings.

Chemical Evolution

According to scientific theory, at some point in the ancient past, non-living chemicals became alive. Nobody witnessed this happen, nor could anyone reproduce it... but even if they could reproduce this miracle, it was an intellect of another living being that reproduced it. This alleged event of chemical evolution happened all by itself without the aid of an intellectual being.

According to the Bible, God, the living super-intellect, breathed life into every living creature. Genesis 2:7 tells us that “the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Though the man was created out of the same elements as the world, it was the breath of God that brought the man to life.

Biological Evolution

According to scientific theory, living creatures evolved into different, more complex creatures. Human beings evolved from a primate ancestor over endless millennia. Once again, there were no witnesses. We only have to go on ancient remains. We cannot bring these living beings back to life to see what they really were, and we do not really know what is real since some alleged remains of primitive ancestors of humankind were found to be hoaxes.

According to the Bible, every living plant and creature brings forth “after his kind” (Genesis 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25). It is repeated five times for good reason, as the evolution religion says that, given enough time, you will have a different type of creature. Apple trees always give apples, and cats always bring forth kittens.

Final Thoughts

True science is always based off observation. From a scientific standpoint, the best we can do in the case of the origins of the universe and of life is to look at rocks and bones and form a hypothesis. However, scientists hold evolution to be more than conjecture. They treat this lie as an undeniable fact though there is no way to prove any of it, short of creating a literal time machine. As a Christian, I also cannot sustain the credibility of young earth creationism. We can only go off of what God tells us in the Bible, and either affirm or deny it. He was the only one there.

Many Christians have been intimidated by this, and have compromised, with hybrid theories like theistic evolution and the gap theory. I will never compromise on this. I do not have to be considered intellectual by the world’s intellectuals. If evolution is true, then death is a normal part of existence and not a consequence of sin (Genesis 2:17). If death is not a consequence of sin, then Christ’s death for our sin is vanity. Evolution and Christianity cannot coexist. They are both accepted by faith. Pick one.


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