“I Tried Christianity, but It Didn’t Work”


“I tried Christianity, but it didn’t work.” The problem with such a statement is that it makes Jesus Christ a diet plan, a New Year’s Resolution, or a pathway to prosperity and good health. Jesus Christ is none of those things. Jesus solves the problem that is common for all humankind.

There is enmity between us and God. There is an infinite debt to be paid, and Jesus paid it. There is justice that must be executed against our sin, but Jesus received what we deserved. Jesus died for our sin. But He did not and could not stay dead. In this we have eternal life.

If it “didn’t work,” that means there is a misconception as to what Jesus came to do. He did not come to make life easier or more pleasant. It seems that for His original disciples, life got harder and more painful in many ways. However, we who trust in Him now have that peace with God because Jesus secured it. “...for the transgression of my people was he stricken” (Isaiah 53:8) “For he is our peace...” (Ephesians 2:14).