The Prayers That Matter, Part III: Confession of Strength


A few years ago, I wrote about how a confession of weakness was a part of a prayer that matters. I still believe this is true, but an addendum may be necessary to add another perspective.

Sometimes, we need to confess our strength. For example, let us say that you are naturally a gifted teacher. You can stand up before people and confidently teach, and people learn effectively from you. In this case, you draw strength from a natural ability. Sure, God may have given you this ability. However, your self-confidence leads you to believe you will be just fine every time you stand before an audience.

This is where we must confess self-sufficiency. We cannot draw strength or confidence from the flesh in any way and expect that this is satisfactory, “for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). When drawing strength from the Lord, you will also be far more effective. You may be a great teacher, but a terrible singer, but it really does not matter. You need the Lord in all things.