Eliakim the Son of Hilkiah


Eliakim the son of Hilkiah was over the household in Hezekiah’s reign. He would have been a man of authority in the kingdom. The Lord said He would raise up this man, or more specifically, a Man that would fulfill his office, to a special task (Isaiah 22:20-25).

Jesus fulfills this man’s role. He would be over Jerusalem and Judah with authority (Isaiah 22:21-22). However, He would be removed from His place, and the glory that hung on Him would fall with Him (Isaiah 22:25).

Jesus was ultimately the fulfillment of this man. We know that this passage refers to Jesus because He attributed it to Himself: “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth” (Revelation 3:7; cf. Isaiah 22:22). Also, we know that the exile happened before the events of this passage, but the historical Eliakim in Hezekiah’s kingdom was before the exile of Judah (Isaiah 22:17). The government is in His hand (Isaiah 9:6; cf. Isaiah 22:21). The Son of God came in the splendor of heaven, but He was rejected and murdered by the people. Not more than forty years later, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, and the people were scattered all over the world.

Everything hangs on Jesus. He is now enthroned in heaven. He is coming again.