Commit Thy Works unto the LORD, and Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established (Proverbs 16:3)


If we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, then those works must be His works, from Him and for Him. While we consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God, presenting ourselves to Him, we fully commit to Him the work He has given us to do. Whatever work there is to do, we commend it to Him, for it is His. Every step we take, we trust Him to guide us. Each action is done in faith that He is behind it.

If we commit everything to Him, in our hearts and minds we trust Him to do those things. From beginning to end all are His. Our minds are ordered aright when we know He is the source of the strength for the works that will honor Him. As we walk by faith, the His will shall become clearer.