Jehoram King of Judah


Jehoram, or Joram, the son of Jehoshaphat, became king of Judah. His father gave him the kingdom because he was the firstborn. This was a poor decision, because his brothers “were better than thyself” (2 Chronicles 21:13) He was married to a daughter of Ahab, maybe because of an alliance his father had with Ahab. His spirituality was surely related to his marriage, for “he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, like as did the house of Ahab: for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife: and he wrought that which was evil in the eyes of the LORD” (2 Chronicles 21:6). He erected high places in the land and compelled his people to worship false gods.

He was wicked from the beginning, as he killed all his brothers as one of his first tasks as king. Because of his wickedness, he lost what his fathers had gained. The Edomites revolted, and though the king fought them and defeated them, he lost their tribute.

Because of his wickedness, a prophet came to Jehoram, and proclaimed a coming disease would consume him and his people. Philistines and Arabians came and carried away his family and treasure. The king died in terrible pain because of the disease. He died without honor; he was not even buried with the former kings of Judah.

If Jehoshaphat were his father, he would have been raised correctly. It was the infiltration by the house of Ahab into his family that corrupted him. If you think your marriage will not affect your faith, think again. Moreover, you can be sure that your faith, or lack of faith, will have effects on your life, your family, and the people with whom you interact.

This is a part of the Kings of Judah series. To go back to the table of contents, proceed here.