Jehoash King of Judah


Jehoash, or Joash, the son of Ahaziah, became king at seven years old. The priest Jehoiada prepared to make him king for the first several years of his life to overthrow the usurper Athaliah, and they successfully restored the line of David to the throne.

Jehoash did what was right before the LORD only while Jehoiada was alive. The king’s main accomplishment was restoring the Temple, since Athaliah had gutted it for service to Baal. “So the workmen wrought, and the work was perfected by them, and they set the house of God in his state, and strengthened it” (2 Chronicles 24:13)

After the death of the priest, we quickly find that Jehoiada was the strength behind Jehoash, and that Jehoash did not have much character of his own. The princes came to him and influenced him for evil. The Temple he rebuilt he forsook for groves and idols. Jehoash forgot Jehoiada the priest, and his son, a prophet who preached against the king, was killed by him.

The Lord sent the Syrians against Jehoash, who took Gath and killed many princes. Before a complete destruction of Jerusalem, Jehoash surrendered to Syria all the treasures in the Temple.

The last we see him, he is betrayed and killed by servants.

It takes determination and integrity to be a leader. Otherwise, subordinates will lead for you, as was the case with this man. Jehoash was only good when he had accountability; after that was gone, evil princes controlled Judah.

This is a part of the Kings of Judah series. To go back to the table of contents, proceed here.