Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar


God was patient with Nebuchadnezzar. The LORD sent him a dream in Daniel 2, which Daniel miraculously recounted and explained, but the king still set up an idol to himself in Daniel 3. When the three holy children wouldn’t bow, he threw them into the furnace, but God preserved them in the flames. He saw the miracle with his own eyes. In Daniel 4, the stubborn king still would not acknowledge God, so he was condemned to live like a beast for seven years. Finally, Nebuchadnezzar gave praise to God. You can tell he might not understand a lot about God as you read his recounting of the events, but at least he finally humbled himself.

Belshazzar was not granted the same level of patience. “And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this” (Daniel 5:22). He knew the history of Nebuchadnezzar, but he still used the holy vessels from the Temple in defiance to God. He died that night, and another king was on the throne.

We’re expected to act on the knowledge that the Lord gives us. We cannot say that nobody ever told us.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, dying for our sins and rising again. He is coming again. It has been preached on every square inch of this land we live in. We’re responsible for what we do with this information.