His Righteousness


For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

We often think of righteousness being a pair of scales or some ruler to see if we measure up. However, God’s standard for righteousness is Himself. The law, including the Ten Commandments, shows us that there is no intrinsic righteousness within ourselves.

At Calvary, Jesus provided us the great exchange: Our sin for His righteousness. While He never became a sinner, He took our sin penalty, and in exchange, gave us the righteousness of God. He provided it; we did not furnish that ourselves. While we might not know that righteousness perfectly this side of heaven, we still have His righteousness by faith, and by believing we can fulfill the mission that He has called us to perform.

Jesus died for our sins and was buried. He rose from the grave. He is coming again. Throw all your trust and care on Him.