Lord, I Am Ready to Go with Thee (Luke 22:33)


And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death. (Luke 22:33)

But Peter wasn’t ready. The Lord told the disciple that he would fail Him that very night.

So, I think that there will be an hour that we will have to stand up for Christ. There will be strong temptation to go along to get along, or to spare ridicule, or persecution, or even death. As we sit in comfort, or as we feel close to the Lord, it is easy to make these grandiose promises. However, we know when we get into circumstances that warrant boldness in Christ, it is never like we expect it to be.

So here, we must not have an iota of confidence in ourselves, ever... Not as we think we have some great spirituality as we pray or read the Word. We will never have our own strength in the hour of temptation. We either have His strength or no strength. Let us consider this truth now before the next trial comes.