Lessons from Soul Winning


Over the last seven weeks I have gone out soul winning around my neighborhood. Here are some observations I would like to share.

  1. People who are already saved are encouraged by what you do. One lady I ran into knew what we were doing was a great thing, but said she herself thought she would never be able to do it. Another gentleman who was new to the area and who was sick was encouraged to see someone come and talk to him.
  2. Some people do not want to hear it. One gentleman, who went to a Pentecostal church, when asked if he knew he was going to heaven, said he had no idea. But when I asked him if he wanted to know how he could be sure from the Bible, he told me he was not interested at all. He was kind about it, but the question remains, how can this be? Nonetheless, I left him with a verse and was on my way.
  3. Many people think that good works save them. One person I spoke with, when asked why she knew she was going to heaven, she said it was because she did not tell lies, and such. Then I asked her what would happen if she started lying, and she was rather stumped. Others answer with how they serve God. I guess I have lived in a bubble so long, thinking that most church-going people know that good works cannot save and that they need the Savior Jesus Christ. I was very wrong.
  4. Sometimes people just want to talk. Today, I ran into a man and he just talked with me for a long time. It seemed like he wanted to talk. Other soul winners have said that you want to stay on task, and not get off topic, and I understand why they say this. However, maybe sometimes it is good just to talk? Maybe this is another way love other people that are lonely?

Here are just some of the lessons I have learned from my first seven weeks. I am sure there will be more to come.