Sick Babies


Some time ago, my son was very sick--sick to the point that he could hardly move. He had a pretty high fever. Times like these are very hard, because there is not much you can do to help him feel better. We were going to take him to the emergency room. However, giving it some more time, I prayed for him. Within a few hours, he was back to his normal self.

A bit later, my little girl was sick, with throwing up and a fever. I prayed likewise for her, and the next morning, she was 100% better.

We cannot dismiss cases like this as coincidence. God is the great healer and deliverer. There are times that we need to go to the doctor, but we can never forget this verse in the Bible about King Asa when he got sick:

“...yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians” (2 Chronicles 16:12).

Praise God for his healing hands.