Kicking Against the Pricks


Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. (Acts 9:4-5)

Even Saul, while he was persecuting the church, had a conscience that was troubling him. The people who were confessing Jesus of Nazareth would not back down from their Faith, even when facing imprisonment or death. They were convinced that Jesus had given them eternal life; they would not change their mind.

Moreover, Saul’s extensive knowledge of the Old Testament knew that this Man was the embodiment of Scripture. Undeniable signs followed this otherwise feeble group of His followers. Saul was kicking against the pricks. The Spirit was goading Saul, but it was getting harder for the young Pharisee to fight these promptings.

It is hard for you to kick against the pricks. You know that Christ is different from all the religions and superstitions of the world. You know that whatever you’re clinging to in this life is evanescent. If Jesus Christ has truly risen from the dead, there is nothing else worth clinging onto here. It is all passing away.

Stop kicking against the pricks and commit yourself entirely to Jesus Christ.