The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth


It has been said that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the lynchpin of Christianity. The apostle Paul stated that if there were no resurrection, “we are of all men most miserable” (1 Corinthians 15:19). The resurrection validates that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and all that He ever taught. How can we know that the resurrection of Jesus happened? If you are a Christian, you know because you were saved by the Lord’s grace, and perhaps in a very dramatic way. However, we are nearly two thousand years removed from the resurrection. How can we possibly know that such a historical event happened? There are many things to consider.

The Resurrection also has theological significance. If Christ is risen and enthroned in heaven, and we are positioned in Him, then we have access to that resurrection life now. With His ever-guiding presence, He can carry us through anything. We also know that because He lives, we also will live with Him.

Also, the resurrection of Jesus was a literal bodily resurrection of the Savior. He was not a disembodied spirit, but rather physically risen. It was as real as you and I are here right now.

If Christ is risen, that changes everything. If Jesus did rise from the dead, then He is Lord of all. His teachings are binding, and we owe Him our allegiance. Whatever we were preoccupied with in our lives becomes irrelevant. If He did not rise from the dead, then Christianity is worthless. We should quickly discard the Faith in the favor of another, or better yet, no faith at all.

Let us consider the historical and theological facts of the resurrection for a while.

Historical Evidence

  1. These That Have Turned the World Upside Down
  2. James the Lord’s Brother
  3. Saul, Who Also Is Called Paul
  4. Mary Magdalene
  5. Early Testimony of the Resurrection
  6. Agreement on the Empty Tomb
  7. The Convinced Disciples
  8. Was Jesus’ Body Stolen?

Theological Significance

  1. A Physical Resurrection
  2. Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee
  3. I Am the Resurrection, and the Life
  4. The Advocate
  5. Dieth No More
  6. The Likeness of His Resurrection
  7. First Resurrection, Second Death
  8. Stumblingblock of the Resurrection

Bonus Posts

  1. Instantiation of the Christ-Life
  2. He Is Not Here: For He Is Risen (Matthew 28:6)