Stumblingblock of the Resurrection


And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. (Acts 17:32)

When Paul preached the resurrection of Jesus to the philosophers in Athens, we see that many laughed at him. Others were not willing to accept it but wanted to think about it. The resurrection was quite contrary to their worldview, just like it is for us today. We run into the same danger as they do. You could be tempted to mock and dismiss Jesus’ vicarious death and resurrection. However, be careful how you respond. If eternal life is contingent on trusting in Christ, it is worth looking into the claims of Jesus and His resurrection.

This is likely the last post in the series concerning the resurrection of our Lord, which has been far from exhaustive. To see the whole list of the series, you can go here. I hope it was interesting and challenging.