Liberty Versus Legalism


This was an assignment I had to write on my personal thoughts on liberty and legalism, according to my own personal life. Keeping the liberty found in Christ on our minds and in our lives is easier said than done.


Nothing felt more fitting than this, which was presented in the course Christian Life 1. The following bullet points are directly out of the notes:

When glorifying God is enough, I am free:

Liberty is contentment with God, God’s provision in Jesus Christ and my position in Him, and the place He has me in right now. I do not seek to win the affection or admiration of others. I do not seek to have value in other people, places, things, vocation, or anything other than being redeemed by the blood of Jesus. I worry about nothing because my heart knows that He is in control. I am content in who I am because of who He is. All the cares of the world cause me no trepidation. Romans 8:28 is stitched into my heart. The law of liberty that James talks about (James 1:25; 2:12) brings no condemnation, and it is on my mind. I do all that I do effortlessly because of my state of being: saved by God’s grace. I expect nothing in return, because I have all that I need: Jesus Christ. When everything around falls away from me, including the floor I am walking on falls from beneath my feet, I am still standing.


Legalism is when any of those things above are violated. I am trying to work my way to self-validation. I seek to learn for knowledge’s sake, and not for the sake for God’s glory. I am either too big or too small for any job. There is no one to count on except for me when doing anything. I would not trust God, but I appeal to Him in prayer attempting to manipulate Him, just as the animist. I am a slave to circumstance. Everything is wrong and it is my job to correct it. When something blocks my goal in any of these, I feel extreme anger. Everything becomes a competition. Life is a paradox: God is seen as not in control, yet I feel like His pawn, and I have to somehow appease Him. When He does not do what I try to get Him to do, I make Him the enemy.