Redeemed People and Leadership


This is a study of the nature of redeemed people and leadership. An outline with Scriptural guidelines is first, followed by a brief fifty-word description summing up each.

I. The Essential Nature of Redeemed People

Summation: Redeemed people can be defined simply as instruments of the Holy Spirit. They belong to no one other than God; He dwells within them and among them, and they are to be used by Him for His purposes. They are interdependent, dependent on God, and together they reflect His character.

II. Definition of Leadership

Origin or Source of Human Leadership

Object/Goal/Purpose of Human Leadership

The Outlook/Attitude of Human Authority

Summation: Human leadership, appointed by God, should recognize who they are before God, servants of both God and others. Jesus is the ultimate model as a servant-leader who loves all people and gave His life for them. Leadership knows what is best for people and will guide them to that end.