Letting the Light In


A little while ago I wrote out the following:

Prayer: To see me as God sees me.
To see myself through the eyes of God.
To embark on a new journey.
To seek wisdom and shun folly.
To grow up and move on.
To forgive and be forgiven.

With these six simple lines a new journey began: Not necessarily an expedition to different lands foreign to me, to uncharted waters offering unexplored opportunity in the world. The journey is, in a way, archaeological in nature: a lot of delicate excavation is required to recover lost, ancient buried treasures. Some treasures are of gold and silver, but others are charred wood and broken pottery shards. Though most may seek the gold and silver, I seek all of these articles because they all say something about life in antiquity.

The same is my journey, but my adventure is a look inward. Psalm 139 is a lot like my prayer, that the Lord will examine me and bring me to a new level of repentance. Since the Lord desires us and wants us to know Him, this is the logical first step. And a hard step indeed it is to throw open the shutters and doors of your soul to let God’s divine light in.