Joseph of Arimathaea


We do not know much about the man who handled the body of the Lord. This is what we do know.

First, Joseph was rich (Matthew 27:57). He plays a role in the fulfillment of prophecy, for Isaiah tells us, “And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth” (Isaiah 53:9). Joseph buried Jesus in a new tomb that he owned (Matthew 27:60).

Also, Joseph was a disciple of the Lord (Matthew 27:57). To some degree, he followed Jesus and His teachings in His life. He did so secretly (John 19:38).

Joseph also was an honorable counsellor (Mark 15:43). He was held in high esteem by his contemporaries.

Joseph waited for the kingdom of God (Mark 15:43). He believed Jesus was the Christ and had waited patiently for His coming.

Joseph was a just, good man (Luke 23:50). He certainly had faith in the Lord which resulted in good works and a reputation.

Though Joseph followed Jesus secretly at first, he was very bold to ask the body of Jesus from Pilate. The ruler had just put Jesus to death, so Joseph’s brazen request is remarkable at such a time when other disciples were laying low. This would have put him at odds with his fellow countrymen who had wanted Jesus killed. This would have publicly exposed him as a disciple.