Pray for the Hundred


When I was in school, there were many times I was so overwhelmed with projects and exams that I really thought there was no way for me to ever pass everything and graduate. There were some things that were so difficult, they seemed an impossibility. I had a family, and it seemed at the time that much of our future depended on success in school.

That is when I started praying for the hundred. When the assignment or exam seemed so impossible, I would literally pray to God that I would get a hundred. You might ask why I just didn’t pray to scrape by with enough to get my degree and get a job. The reason is because God is the God of the impossible. And maybe I did not get hundreds on everything. But on many I did. And the non-hundred grades were for the most part much higher than I could have ever dreamed.

To this day, though I have been out of school for years, I still pray for the hundred. In other words, I still pray for the impossible. And I have begun to pray for more important things than project and exam grades. Why pray for mediocrity when God is the God of the miraculous, the impossible, and the unthinkable? And if He answered prayers about some silly exam, how much more is He going to answer prayers about getting people saved or for His name to be glorified? Stop dreaming big and pray big.