I am Crucified with Christ


“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

The best thing about being saved is that Christ does it. You and I don’t do it. Christ did it. We were helpless before God, being alienated and separated from him. But in a vast ocean of love for humanity, Christ came to earth and died for ungodly sinners. We could not reach him. There was nothing we could do to effectively cover our sins. Christ died, and he obliterated that debt of guilt we could not ever do even if we had eternity to pay it off.

Yet he saved us. Now, even more so, we now live. He is risen! He was not a sinner, and he could never ever remain in the grave or in hell because he was the spotless Lamb of God. We have that everlasting life now.

How could we ever put off Christ? Just read the finality of the verse above. It is over. Christ’s work put us into a right standing with God, and it is one and done. He never will need to offer himself again. He accomplished it all.

Rejoice! Yell it from the house tops! Glory I’m saved! My sins are all pardoned, and there is nothing left to be done! Praise God, it is His accomplished, completed work that we are forever saved, and there is no turning back. He gave Himself for me. When God does it, there’s no turning back.