Where Wast Thou When I Laid the Foundations of the Earth? (Job 38:4)


Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. (Job 38:4)

This rhetorical question demands a response: Whether God asks Job or us, we simply were not there when God created the world. Nobody was. We can look at the historical evidence left behind from eons gone by, but we cannot be sure how the world began. Determining cosmological or biological origins would require a literal time machine to know.

This is distinct from things we can know by creating hypotheses and testing them in a laboratory environment and observing the results. This is what real science is. Looking at the evidence from events from the distant past is not the same. You cannot recreate the universe in a lab. You cannot create life from non-life in a lab. The creation of the world is not a repeatable process we can learn from.

Don’t be intimidated by all the evolutionists that cackle at you because you don’t believe their creation story. We all operate in faith when it comes to cosmological origin. The advantage the Christian has over the naturalist is that we do know somebody that was there in the beginning, and He told us some of the details. “In the beginning God...”